Chapter 6: Shadowed Sea

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Sharon Pov.

Nurse Joy called Lyra and I over after awhile. Our pokemon were fully healed. We had to find a way to get to Whirl Island. Pidgeot can fly us, but we must beware the lightning.

"Ok you two, ready to go?" Lyra asked. I nodded.

"Yea." Star said as she nodded.

"Totodile!" Fang said, jumping up and down.

"Alright, come out Alakazam," Lyra said as she pulled out a pokeball. A yellow pokemon appeared. He had brown armor plates on his shoulders and chest. He held two shiny silver spoons.

"Alakazam!" He announced.

"Teleport us to Whirl Islands." Lyra commanded. His eyes began to glow light blue. His spoons began to bend. The space around us glowed the same light blue. I felt a wired sensation of floating then bending in all ways. I closed my eyes until the feeling went away.

I opened my eyes once I felt the rain falling down around me. We were on an island, seas rose over the edge of the rocks. Lightning lit the sky. Thunder shook the ground. I looked over at the sea and saw massive whirlpools around the islands.

"Come on you two." Lyra said, bring my attention to her and the cave behind her.

"Wow, this storm is intense!" Star said while staring up. Her Totodile just tried to hide itself in her arms. She looked toward us and we started to walk into the cave.

Silver Pov.

When the red light vanished and I noticed Alakazam brought me to the interior of the Whirl Islands. I looked over at my dead pokemon.

"Nice thinking. Knowing Lyra, she would have figured out by now that Lugia is upset. She will come to calm it and bring Sharon with her. After their fight with Lugia, they should be to tired to fight anymore." I chuckled.

"LUGIA!!!" A roar echoed through the cave. I withdrew Alakazam and walked toward the sound. I came to a cavern with a waterfall. My eyes grew wide when I saw Lugia. This will be a great fight. I hid while I wait for them to come.

Sharon Pov.

As we walked thought the cave, I noticed the silver feather dim in brightness. Lyra noticed too. She brought out her Meganium.

"Prepare for a fight." She said. I brought Scorcher out. "Star, stay behind us."

I could hear growling deep inside. Roars rose up every now and then. What could make Lugia this angry. We continued to walk. I could hear the roar of a waterfall. I knew we are close.

"LUGIA!!!" A loud roar broke the silence. Star hid behind me. Meganium and Scorcher began to growl. I was scared too. I never thought I would help calm a legendary pokemon. I wonder if the Latis will help?

We came to a cave opening that led to the cavern with the waterfall and the Lugia. We peeked around the side before we entered. My eyes grew wide in fear. I looked at Lyra who was holding the silver feather, but the feather was now dark purple. I looked back toward Lugia. His pure white body was now dark purple. His blue stomach and spikes were now grey. His usually rounded toes and wing tips were now pointed. His blue eye spikes were curved with multiple points. His blue eyes were blood red. I know this pokemon from another game I used to play.

"S-Shadow L-Lugia?!" I whispered. Lyra and Star looked at me confused.

"What?" Lyra asked.

"Shadow Lugia, he is supposedly the strongest shadow pokemon." I replied. They still looked confused. "Shadow pokemon are different from normal pokemon. Their hearts have been closed. I never thought it could happen naturally." They nodded.

Lost in Silver's Nightmare (Pokemon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora