Chapter 9:Rotom and the Old Chateau

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The plane we were in began to descend to the city below. We got off the plane in the city of Eterna. Wow, even more beautiful than the game. Star looks around in awe. The blue lake to the left of the airport sparkled.

"Ah...memories. I remember when I first met Cynthia, it was in Eterna Forest in the Old Chateau. Let's start looking there." Lyra suggested. I nodded and turned toward the lake. We walked across a wooden bridge. When we reached the other side I began to breath again. I don't really like water. I can't swim. We walked down a path until we reached the forest entrance. We walked for a good ten minutes before we saw the Old Chateau. I know this place is full of ghost and honestly, they scare me.

"Wow, this place looks old." Star said. The door slammed behind us as we entered. It flung dust into the air. "And dusty." She coughed.

"Ok so do we split up or stay together?" I asked Lyra. She looked to the door to the right, then to the one on the left, then up the stairs.

"We'll split up. I'll go right. Sharon you go left and Star start checking upstairs." She said. Great, splitting up in a haunted house is a great idea.

I walked to the door and grabbed the cold door knob. Shivers ran up my spine as I pushed the door open. It screeched in protest. I stared in awe at the dinning room before me. So many chairs lined up nicely along the long table. The dark purple tablecloth looked like silk. Who would ever abandon a place like this. I noticed the plates at each and every seat. Remembering back to Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs, I must beware the flying plates.

I made my way through the dinning room and found myself at another door. I opened it and found the kitchen. This room was dustier than the entrance. Since no one was in here, I decided to go back to the entrance. I opened the door, but quickly closed it. Plates smashed against the wooden door.

"I knew you darn ghost would throw those plates!" I yelled at them. The plates never stopped coming.

Lyra Pov.

I walked to the right and opened the door. I found myself in what looked to be a grand living room. There was a white couch, love seat and recliner. There was also many stands with plates on them. Those plates weren't there last time I was here? I shrugged off the feeling the plates gave me and continued to another door.

I opened the door and found a small child's playroom. Ah the memories this place brings back. I remember when the ghost Pokemon moved the toys to play shows for us. Those were the good old days. But something seemed off. Where are he ghost Pokemon? I turned back and opened

the door. I saw a plate coming for me so I quickly slammed the door shut. Plates smashed against the door.

"What is going on here?" I yelled as the noise of shattered plates grew.

Star Pov.

I walked up the stairs and found myself in a hallway. One door in front of me, one on my left and another on my right. I decided to next the one on the left first. It was just a plain bedroom. No one was here so I left. I entered the middle room next. There was a tv in the back of the room. It was on, but only showed static.

I walked up to the tv because I thought I saw something within it. I tried turning the channel, but every channel was static. How was the tv even on?there is no electric here? I just had to kick it. Maybe some kind of ghost was playing a trick on me. The tv turned off, but something was coming out.

"Wha!!!" I yelped as I backed away. A small plasma like Pokemon floated in front of me. It looked scared. "Sorry did I scare you?" It shook it head.

His thunderbolt arms grew and drew out a shape of a Pokemon. It looked like Gengar.

"Are you afraid of a Gengar?" I asked the little Pokemon.

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