What are these Orbs?

Start from the beginning


Commander Silver: What did you say?!

He then sees Goku flying through the sky as he grabs his bazooka and points it at him. He then fires the weapon as it hit the boy.

Silver: Not as tough as I was-huh?!

He sees Goku having his shield out that blocked the bazooka from hitting him. He flies down and lands a few feet away from the man.

Goku: *pissed* The hell was that for?!

Silver: Answer my question….why are you collecting the dragon balls? 

Goku: I don't know what you're talking about, idiot. All I know is that you and those goons must be looking for this thing and have bad intentions in mind. So I won't let you have it.

Silver: You dare defy the Red Ribbon Army? The only last remaining forces for HYDRA that has the fire power? You seemed to be to stupid one kid.

Goku: Says the dumbass that shot a freaking bazooka at me.

Silver: Enough talk! You give me that Dragon Ball, and I'll might spare your miserable life.

Goku: Ooh, I'm scared. Why don't you run along like a little coward so I can go do something else?

Silver: You mock me?! I'll put you out in five seconds!

He charged at him and goes for a punch, only to be blocked and gets a haymaker, sending him flying. He the stood up and goes for a kick, only to be caught and gets his leg broken from an elbow and a hard punch to the chest.

Goku: Well, that's finished. Maybe I could find out what are these dragon balls and why these guys want with them.

He flies off, leaving Silver in a heap.

*somewhere in an old library in Japan*

Goku found himself in an old library in the country of Japan as he enters it. He looks around and sees a lot of books in there and begins his search for info on the Dragon Balls. After a while, he managed to find an old book about Mystical Orbs as he opens it and begins to read.

Goku: Dragon Balls: 7 Mystical Orange Orbs with stars inside them. Individually, they can't do anything, but when they're all together, they can summon the Dragon Shenron, and can grant you a wish of any kind. When the wish is complete, the Dragon disappears and the Dragon Balls fly up to the sky together, before scattering through the Earth. They will remain as stones, until a full year has passed so they can be used again.

Goku closes the book as he had a shock look in his face.

Goku: So that's why they were looking for this orb. They're going to use the Dragon Balls to get a wish granted. I may not know what it would be, but I bet it's nothing good.

He turns on his scouter as it gave him the signal to another Dragon Ball nearby another country. It was Russia cold area of the forest. He finds some winter clothing and flies to find the other Dragon Ball.


Goku finds himself looking for the Dragon Ball but couldn't find it through the thick snow. He then sees a small village as he flies down to find out where he is. He lands as he walks around the village as he goes to one of the houses and knocks on the door. Then, the door opens and a little girl come out from the other side.

Girl: Hello. Who are you?

Goku: I'm Goku Rogers. I came here to see if any of you know what I'm looking for. Plus, I'm getting really cold here.

Girl: Sure! Come in! My name is Suno and welcome to Jingle Village.

Goku: Nice to meet you, Suno!

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