Part 2

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Who would have thought that farmers would eventually make more money than a computer scientist? America felt bad for all the students who learned all those years for their graduation to just have it labeled as useless now. Maybe it's not that bad, when the dollar doesn't mean much anymore either though. It didn't need a lot of time until civilians decided that they want anarchy. So, no government. It's kind of what happens when everyone around you shivers, hungers and falls into depression.

America laid tiredly in his dead apartment. His laptop laid useless on his table. He eyed it as he tried to sleep. He just couldn't. He could hear his population screaming outside. Heard them fighting. Heard them trying to beat the police. Heard them throw molotow cocktails. Well, at least fire warmed the sad country a bit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." With shaking hands he moved his hands upwards to block out the noise, but they were coming from inside. He was a country. He couldn't numb his people's sound. Eventually he scrambled upwards and stared down at his laptop. It somehow made him angry to look at it. He moved his fingers over the dark cold surface.

He angrily grabbed for the scissors next to him and then rammed the top into the laptop surface. It didn't do much. It mostly just scratched it. "Well, fuck you too!" He threw the scissors away in anger and took a shaky breath. He was hungry. So goddamn hungry. Since the machinery didn't work anymore, there just wasn't enough food for everyone. They were just too much goddamn people on this earth. He crouched down and let let his hands rest on his empty stomach.

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned." America mumbled. Fat big tears rolled down his face. The country hoped he could get himself together tomorrow. Sure, all the countries claimed world peace, but when they would see how weak he was right now... America wasn't sure if they wouldn't just stab him or something. He has done so many horrible things. His crying got worse. He couldn't help it.

The morning sun didn't feel so inviting as it did some years ago. It got warmer, but it also reminded the country about the fact that he didn't sleep at all. America regretted crying so much now. He would have to drink more than normally to even that out. He groaned with annoyance. After looting whatever was left in his dead fridge he walked downstairs to get his bike.

As he was outside, he was hit by a disgusting scent of a pile of expired food. Nice. "America, the rubbish dumb." he mumbled. He wanted to cry at that thought. Fuck, this century was depressing. He had hoped the retreat back into some kind of middle Age wouldn't turn out this horrible, but it really was even worse than everyone thought it would turn out to be. Maybe Netherlands really had the best of luck here. If he died first he didn't had to watch it get worse.

Surprisingly, the meeting room was kept clean by everyone. Some bread was handed out by NATO and America had to get his act together to not just devour it in one bite. America looked over to Netherlands. Belgium was hugging him while Netherlands kept shaking. The sad thing is, that it probably wasn't from the cold, but actually because he was having mental breakdowns from that 'crack' literally eating him. At some point Netherlands started to call it the reaper and it didn't really lift anyone's spirit.

"Do we have any good news?" Germany asked carefully after he ate up his bread piece. Russia sighed. "Not really." He said in a low voice. "My people constructed a really stable and steady camera attached to a big metal pipe held by a gantry crane. To keep it short, we let the camera down to let it discover if it's really just black nothingness and if our camera would be able to make it back when we the force from the crane."

"And?" Canada asked eagerly. "Well, it did come back. It was hard to bring it back, but our crane made it. We saw nothing on the camera though, but found out that it must be deeper than 1000 meters" America saw Netherlands hugging Belgium tighter.

"So what's our plan now?" America asked. Russia played around with his fingers, like he did long ago in primary school. It was kind of cute. "Well, we can't really do anything. The only solution would really to dumb someone into it and see what happens." Everyone instantly disagreed.

"Wait listen guys. I put the camera inside right?" Russia asked the others and everyone nodded a bit confused. "Well, I got it back and it also was able to send us coordinates. That's how my people were able to tell that it must be deeper than 1000 meters. So... Maybe we can bind someone to the gantry crane with a longer rope and they explore there with an radio?"

Everyone started to mumble to each other. Then Britain spoke up. "Okay, put why can't we just let a civilian from our population go down? It does not have to be a one of us." He said happily, thinking that would solve all the problems, but Russia shook his head. "I don't think there would be enough oxygen down there for humans. One of us has to go." Every country in the room went silent. Nobody wanted to go. It was too scary.

Then America quickly rose his arm. "I will do it!"

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