Lunch Date and Interruptions

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I'm SOOO sorry for the late update. School has just started and I'm packed on HW. But I've got a clear day and I decided its time to write. I think I wanna update every Saturdays. Or Thursday. I'm also got the idea of a new story. That will probably be up soon. It won't be Taylor Squared though. Sorry. Well here is the next chapter. Hope you like it and please leave a comment letting me know you are there. Interruptions


Lunch Date and Interruptions


I went to sleep that night wonder struck. It was the most enchanting date I have ever been on. Even though it was ruined I didn't let that bring me down. The next day I woke up early very excited for our lunch date! I was practically dancing around the room. As I was picking out my outfit for the day my mom comes in the room.

"Hey sweetie, how was your date?"

"Oh mom! I was just so beautiful! He took me to this beautiful little picnic he set up. And we absolutely had a great time. I think he is the one."

"You got all that from one date?" She laughs, "we'll I'm happy for you. Just.. Don't be to hopeful. You never know if it will work."

"I know mom. I just have this feeling. I think things will work out perfectly!"

"We'll as long as you know then I guess it's fine with me. Remember we have dinner as a family tonight. Your brother has already left to explore. And your father has a sun burn so we will be staying in for the day."

"Alright. I'll be there!"

Once I get to the lobby I spot him standing by the entrance. He has his back turned to me so I sneak up behind him. I put my hand over his eyes and try to hide my giggle.

"Taylor I known its you." He says with a laugh.

I remove my hands with a groan. "How could you possibly have known it was me?"

"I saw your reflection through the door. I figured I should just play along." He smiles at me once he has churned around. We lose ourselves in a staring contest again.

"Hi." I whisper. Not wanting to lose the mood.

He smiles and leans in and kisses me softly. Now this is better than the staring. Once he pulled back he smiles at me.

"Hi blue eyes. Ready to go?"

"Yes." I somehow giggle out. Im still breathless from the kiss.

We hold hands as he leads us out the hotel. We head towards a cute little café. He opens the door for me and he holds my chair out for me. He probably doesn't know how nice that is. We sit down and I tell him a joke I've heard about old dinners. It wasn't that funny to me. But for some reason he threw his head back laughing like a little kid. We order a simple lunch and talk about our friends from school. I tell him about Selena and all the craziness she brings with her. He tells me about Justin and how he could trust him with anything.

Mid way through our lunch I notice a fairly good looking guy staring at me. I turn my head to ignore him when I see him get up and walk up to us. Taylor notices him to and becomes quiet.

"Lautner! What a surprises seeing you here. And who do we have here?" He smiles at me creepily.

"Jonas. I could say the same thing. And this is Taylor, my girlfriend." Taylor says. I look at him with wide eyes and blush. I'm freaking out, he said I was his girlfriend. I don't know if I should be worried or happy. I'm going to go with happy. I notice this Jonas guy, which I'm guessing is his last name, is glaring at Taylor.

"Girlfriend? Really? What would a beautiful girl like her want with you? Especially since I'm available" he creepily winks at me.

"We're actually on a date. And I'm very happy being here with Taylor. That is until you interrupted." I say.

"We'll I see I'm unwelcome here so I guess I'll go. I'm Joe by the way. You can get my number from Taylor if things don't work out." He smirks at me. As he walks away Taylor churns to me.

"I'm sorry about that. We were having a great time until he came around. And I'm sorry for just claiming you as my girlfriend. I should have asked you first. That guy just gets on my nerves." He rambles on. Very cutely if I must say.

"Taylor it's fine! I get it. And I don't mind being your girlfriend." I say bravely.

"Really? You didn't mind?"

I shake my head no. Wondering what I should say. I so badly wanted it to be true.

"Taylor. Can I ask you something?" He finally says after we had been sitting in silence.

"Sure. Anything." I smile at him.

"Will you be my.........."



What did you think of Joe? Sorry I had to add him. We need a little drama.

And please leave a comment letting me know what you think! Or maybe just to say hi. Idk. Well until Thursday or maybe Saturday! And please check out my other story that will be up soon! It's a Taylor story. Sorta. XxxClara

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