The Date

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Ok see here goes the next part. The date!



Taylor had his back turned to me so he didn't see me come up. On my way up to him I couldn't help but stare at him. He was wearing a gray leather jacket and some loose fitted blue jeans.

"Hey Taylor!" I say to catch his attention.

"Hi Blue Eyes. You look beautiful." He says once he's turned around.

I blush and look away. "Thank you. You don't look to bad youself."

"Ready to go?"

I nod as he takes my hand and leads me out the door. We walk past the parking lot and onto the beach. We're both silent as we walk but I don't really mind. It isn't awkward just very peaceful.  I can't help but think about the way his hand feels in mine. It's as though his hands we're made to fit mine. I shake my head to get rid of the crazy thoughts running through my head.

"What are you thinking about Blue Eyes?"

"Oh nothing. So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!"

We finally reach a little cove hidden behind some trees. Inside there is some lit candles and a blanket and a basket. Right out side it there was a beautiful stream with various different colored flowers. The whole place seemed magical.

" I found this place the first day here. I was running and got a lil lost and stumbled to this spot. I hope you don't."

"This place it beautiful! I love it."

We both smile at each other and he leads me to the blanket. We both sit and he starts pulling out containers of food and a bottle of soda,

"I hope you like ham sandwiches and grapes."

I nod and take the food from him and stare at the sky. The stares shine brighter here than back in L.A.

"So Blue Eyes what do you say to some 20 questions. I will help us learn a little more about each other."

"Sure. You go first."

"Okay. Whens your birthday?"

"December 13th. Whens yours?"

"February 11th."

From there we asked questions back and forth. I learnd a lot about him. Though we where different that didn't chamge a thing. He was the popular jock back home while I was the bandgeek who no one payed attention to unless it was school related. I told him my dreams, my fears, the hurt I have experianced. He told me the expectations everyone wanted from him. His fear of not achieving his dream. During our talking I felt a change in me. When I looked at him I couln't imagine him not there with me. I wanted to be with him. Always. I just hope he felt the same.

We had stoped talking and had been looking into each others eyes. A piece of my hair had fallen in front of my face and he reached out to push it back. He didn't move his hand away from me. Just moved it down to cup my face. That was when I noticed that we had both been leaning into each other. He was right infront of my face and I could feel his breath. One more move closer and his lips would be on mine.

Then he kissed me.


There you go! the date! what do you think? A little cliffie right there...

Please comment what you think below.. Is anyone even reading it?

The next one will be put up soon!


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