New Friend

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"You can't let him treat you like that."

We had been sitting in silence for a couple of minutes so my voice startled him. He wiped his eyes to get rid of the tears.

"There's nothing I can do about it."

"Yes you can! Violence is never the answer but by hitting him, you proved you're not as weak as he thinks you are."

"No hitting him was very stupid. He's just going to get more angrier."

"Then why did you hit him?"

"I- I don't know."

We stared at each other for a while and felt my cheeks start to turn red. Something in his eyes told me, I was the reason.

The ring of my cellphone broke our staring.


"Tay where are you? The other Taylor and I are down at the pool waiting for you."

"I'm sorry! I'll be there in a few. Can you tell Tay not to worry?"

I glance up and see Joe standing up and heading towards the way we came through.

"Sure Taylor. Just hurry u-"

I hung up and ran after Joe.

"Hey Joe where are you going?"

"The gym. I'm going to blow off some steam."

"Oh. Well do you want to hang at the pool maybe?"

"I don't think Taylor will want me there."

"Well I'm Taylor and I want you there. Look I just don't want you to be alone. Come and have fun with us. Please?"

I grab his arm and turn him around. I give him my famous pout. I see him melting and he finally sighs.

"Fine I guess I can go for a few."

"Great! Lets go up to my room. I need to change into my bathing suit."


Up in my room, I change in the bathroom while Joe waits outside. My bathing suit is a two piece that's red with polka dots. I put on one of Austin's old T-shirts that reaches just above my knee. I put my hair up and slip on my ray bans.

"Ready?" Joe asks once I walk out.

"Not quit. You need swim trunks."

"I'm fine Taylor. I got them underneath my shorts."

"Oh. Okay. Lets go then."

I slip my arm around his and we head down to the pool.

Once were down by the pool. I notice Taylor sitting and chatting with Austin. Austin notices me first and waves. That's when Taylor turns around. He smiles big when he sees me but then glances at Joe and his smile is replaced with a glare.

"See. I should just go."

"No. You are my friend and I want you here. Come on." I grab his arm and pull him towards the boys.

"Hey guys! Joe is going to join us."

"Hey Joe! Nice meeting you." Austin bro fists him.

"Hey. Hello Lautner."

"Hey Jonas. Hey Taylor can I talk to you for a second."

"Sure Tay!" I squeeze Joes arm which of course Taylor catches. I grab Tays hand and we head behind the restrooms.

"What's he doing here?"

"He came to hang out. Look it's a long story but I need you to trust me."

"Will you tell me this "long story"."

"Maybe. If you behave."

He finally starts to smile again and leans in to kiss me.


So Joe and Taylor are friends now!

Is that a good thing?

Or will it be a bad thing?

And Taylor L. is not happy about that.

Tell me what you think and comment! An vote! Please and thank you!!!


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