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(T.S pov)

We have been in Hawaii for a week now and I was having the time of my life.

I was lying on the beach in my red polka dot bikini with my mom, trying not to burn. Lord knows I don't want to look like a lobster. Taylor, Joe, Austin, and surprisingly my dad were playing volleyball near by. Mom was reading a book and I was listening to Ed Sheeran. He's starting to break out here in the states and I couldn't be more proud.

I was in the middle of 'Give Me Love' when my mom decided to break the hard news to me.

"Taylor what are you and Taylor 2 gonna do when we return home. We leave tomorrow."

I spring up from the blanket I was laying on and stare at her wide eyed. I was so lost in the Hawaii bliss that I didn't even think about what would happen when we went back home.

"I don't know mom I haven't given it much thought."

"We'll you and Taylor should talk about it."


As I walk into my room, I move stiffly around the room. I grab my toiletries bag, which holds all I need to shower and prepare my shampoos and razor. I barely feel the luke warm water as I stand underneath the spray. Showers are usually where all my thinking has been done. While conditioning my hair I realize that I won't give up on us. We may be young but I'm smart enough to know that a love like this doesn't come around often. With a new determination I march out of the shower and get myself ready for dinner tonight.


I sit between Joe and Taylor, which was probably a bad idea. They discuss soccer and other guy things, as I silently sip on my diet coke in between them. By listening to their conversation you can’t tell they were enemies just a short few days ago. I’m glad once the meals arrive, the boys finally shut up while stuffing their faces with steak and potatoes. I dig into my dish, the special island soup.

Once we’re done, dad pays the bills and us kids head to the beach. Walking on the sand I fall a short ways behind. I don’t pay attention to the conversation much, just take in the beauty of it all.

 I wish I could stay here forever.

I don’t realize that I have stopped until I feel someone right behind me. Wrapping his arms around, I snuggle back into his chest, after recognizing his touch.

I can’t hear Joe or Austin so deiced to bring up my conversation with my mom.

“What’s gonna happen when I leave?” I whisper out. He tightens his arms around me, bringing me closer then I was before.

“Nothing will happen, you know why? Because we’re gonna make this work. I’m not letting you go Blue Eyes.”

I smile, tears falling down my cheeks, I turn towards him wrapping my long arms around his neck. I kiss him with all I have. I kiss because we won’t say goodbye. I kiss him because he feels what I feel.

Breaking from the kiss, my forehead to his, I whisper the three words.

“I love you.” As I look into his eyes, I see them widen for a moment before he whispers back..

“Blue Eyes I love you too.”

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! This chapter took me forever to write. There is just one more chapter left in Blue Eyes. I wanted to keep it light and simple. Next chapter may be a future take/ epilouge. 

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