12: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Beast!

Start from the beginning

"Hey Ben." Carlos says carefully, coming up to him with his hands up in surrender. "It's me. Carlos. All right?"

Ben roars once more, swiping a paw toward Carlos. He ducks in time, all of us flinching with him. Kind of like someone does in a movie when you try to react like a character does without realizing you're doing it.

"Woah! Ben!" Carlos yelps, coming back up quickly. "It's Carlos! All right?" He edges close slowly, but Ben doesn't attack.

"You helped me once." Carlos continues slowly, one hand out. "All of us. When you brought us from the Isle. Remember? All right? Let me help you." He extends both hands, but Ben stubbornly keeps his injured paw away.

"Come on, let me see your hand." Carlos urges. Ben, not making eye contact, slowly reaches out his paw, reminding me of a pouting child. "Attaboy." Carlos says, then winces. "Beast. King. Uh---whatever." He takes Ben's paw with one hand, grasping the splinter with another. "Oh, yeah, that's a big one." He mutters, glancing down at us. We all nod encouragingly.

"I'm going to count, all right?" Carlos says to Ben. "One... two..." He pulls it out.

You missed three. I say to myself, as Ben lurches backward and practically howls in pain, falling to his knees.

"There it is!" Carlos says, grinning. "You did it!"

Ben unsteadily stands to his feet, and then I hear a weird squirting sound. Water comes spraying from nowhere, dousing Ben from head to toe. Glitter comes rolling off of him as we all turn our heads together.

"Jane?" I demand incredulously. She's standing off to the side, beaming at us all, holding a water gun. I hear coughing---human coughing---from behind me, and I assume Ben is back to normal. I push through Harry and Jay to run over to her. "What are you doing here? How are you not under Audrey's spell?"

She grins, holding up the water gun. "I was at the lake for my birthday party, remember? When Audrey showed up, I jumped in, and the spell didn't affect me."

"Wow." I nod, impressed. "Nicely done." I glance over to Ben, and I see he's back to mostly-normal, Jay helping him down to sit on a fallen tree trunk. Ben looks tired, and weird. I never really thought to imagine what King Ben would look like with a beard. Or fangs.

"Oh, that was funky." Ben manages, laughing.

"Was." Jay agrees. "Is." He pats his own jawline, then where Ben's fangs are. Ben's hand jumps up, and he laughs again as he feels his new vampire teeth.

"You need another blast." Jane decides, aiming up the gun again and squirting him.

He closes his eyes. "No, please---" His words gurble together through the water. "Please, stop." he finishes halfheartedly when Jane stops her stream.

"Huh." She says when nothing's changed. "It's Enchanted Lake water." She explains to everyone. "I guess it can only do so much."

"Well, well, well..." Harry suddenly says, his voice turning to his 'charming' phase. He creeps closer to Jane, grinning. "Harry Hook. And you, my little duckling, are... ravishing."

Jane doesn't answer for a moment, just blinks in surprise.

"You used that on me already, Hook." I sigh, putting my hand on his face to push him backward. "Losing its touch."

"Wait a minute." Ben says, standing. He points at Harry, then at Gil, because Gil is standing away from our side of the group. "Whose side are they on?"

Jay claps Ben on his shoulder. "He escaped and joined us." He says, gesturing to Harry. "And Mal has the ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey. Details to follow."

"Hades' ember?" Ben asks in confusion. "Has Mal gone back to the Isle?"

"I said details to follow." Jay says. "We're meeting up with Mal, Evie, and Uma, let's go."

"Uma!?" Ben yells.

"Details to follow!" We all repeat together. Jay shoves Ben towards the general direction of Evie's house and all of us start heading that way. Jay and Harry bring up the rear, while Jane and Ben are in front talking about what they've missed. Carlos slows down to walk with me.

"Glad Audrey didn't Beast all of us like that." Carlos mutters to me, half-grinning.

"Same. Seeing you as a Beast was freakish enough. Seeing you act like one would be even worse." I shudder.

"Too bad Mal wasn't here." Carlos chuckles suddenly. "It probably would've been a lot easier to get closer to him with her here."


"Wuv." Carlos finishes, and I laugh. 




Also am I the only one who thinks Sophie's watching his Hair, and not his actual face? Just on where her eyes look like they're focusing on. Idk. 

Anyways. Hope you guys liked this chapter! :)

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