'𝐹𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝐵𝓊𝒻𝒻𝑒𝓉'

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Oh geez... everyone keeps... why is everyone looking at me? I-I mean, do I dress strangely, is what I'm wearing so odd? It can't just be my looks... man, we better get to the buffet fast...

"Hey- um... Eun-Jung? Is it usual for people to just... stare at you? I mean, I experience it daily, but is what I'm wearing odd? Or something?" I whisper intensely to Eun-Jung.

"No, what you're wearing is fine. Don't worry, just keep your eyes forward! And look dominant!" Eun-Jung jokingly whispers back, already beginning to strut fashionably.

Listening to her advice, I look forward, and keep my eyes forward... I guess it helps. That way, I don't focus about being anxious about other people's opinions on me.

We reach the buffet, and we open the door slowly, revealing a rather... loud place... it's unusual and new for me.

"Hi guys!" Do-Yoon calls out, waving his hand while he's waiting for us.

Eun-Jung grabs my hand, and we begin to run towards our coworkers.

"Alright! Let's sit down and relax for a bit and feast on Soy Sauce Crab!" Dae-Ho yells, jumping on our reserved table seat.

"Hey now, calm down," Eun-Jung laughs, sitting down beside him.

I take a deep breath, and I sit beside Eun-Jung. I mean, she's the only person here I could feel comfortable around. Should I have just said no instead? What would be the outcome instead?

Everyone seats themselves down, and Do-Yoon calls the waiter over to order our soy sauce crab and soju.

So much loud chatter, and so much laughter... it's making me spin. My head feels dizzy, it's unsettling and too loud for me. Our buffets that loud?

The soy sauce crab and soju arrive at our table, and Do-Yoon evenly distributed the crab to all of us, and pours the soju carefully in each of our glasses.

"Thanks for this food!" Ha-Rin prays, holding her hands together.

Everyone digs in their crab. It seems like they enjoy it. Maybe I should too. It also seems like they are ripping off the legs of the crab... I should follow along to not seem... stupid. I rip off the leg of the crab, and bite into it, only to taste something hard!

"Bleh!" I cough, spitting out of the crab out of my mouth.

How the heck do people enjoy this?

"Oh! Haha, Ji-Ah! You ate it with the shell! Here I'll remove it for you," Dae-Hoon chuckles, taking the crab and removing the shell.

Well, this already just became awkward. I'm so not used to this... the only few things I really ate are just ramen. How embarrassing, it already seems like I'm an alien from another planet who's disguised as a pretty girl... I can't even do the simplest of things. Oh god... if there's only one thing that could make me feel better-

"Hey! Over here!" Dae-Ho calls out, waving at someone.

Huh? Who's he calling?

Suddenly... the man from earlier comes over, walking over to our table... and looking so sincere.

"Oh? Who's this?" Ha-Rin wonders, looking behind her seat.

"He's a new worker from the Sales Representative, so I forgot to tell you guys that 'he' was coming along too!" Dae-Ho introduces, giving me back my crab.

Crap! Why do I catch feelings for him so easily? I know it's not possible to fall in love that quickly.... but why do I do for him?

He takes a seat beside Ha-Rin, we're basically in front of each other now.

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