II. MingKit (1)

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Ming's POV

After meeting P'Kit, I couldn't get him out of my head. All the members of the med gang are known to be handsome and smart but he definitely stands out from the rest of his friends. While P'Phana is known as a ferocious senior and P'Beam is known  for his crazy stunts, you can't find any faults in P'Kit. He's just perfect. Even his lack of interest in romantic relationships make him more appealing since it means that they don't have to be jealous of anyone for stealing his attention. You can't exactly blame his textbooks for stealing his attention since it makes him smarter and shows how passionate he is about his studies. On top of all that he's also friendly and gently rejects everyone who confesses to him.

As I arrived at the practice hall, I saw P'Kit sitting on their usual table flipping through a textbook. I greeted him, " Good afternoon, P'Kit. You look lovely as always."

He rolled his eyes, ignoring me. Sitting down beside him, I looked over his shoulder,"Do you mind taking a short break and talking to me while you're at it?"

"Stop it, N'Ming. It has been two weeks since. Aren't you tired of being rejected?," He sighed. "Look,you're a nice guy but you don't really know me."

Trying to convince him, I closed his his textbook to get his attention. "Then tell me about yourself."

He was silent for a moment before asking," Firt off, What do you think of me?"

I immediately answered, my eyes showing my sincerity,"I think you're perfect. You are passionate about being a doctor. You prefer everything to be done your way but you aren't  aggressive about it. You are considerate of other people's feelings but you make sure they don't misunderstand." I paused for a moment to take deep breath. "Lastly, you set a high value on love by the way you wait for the perfect person, and I respect that. Although I think you should give others a chance for love to actually come into your life."

Hearing my answer, he looked at me with a straight face,"Give me one good reason to trust you then I'll consider it. I'll give you until midnight," then he gathered his stuff and walked away.

Before he was out of hearing range, I shouted," How will I reach you?!"

Looking back at me, he shrugged," Figure it out. If you don't, then you lose your only chance."

I continued to watch him until he disappeared around the corner. Now, how do I reach him when I don't even have his number or address? A social media account is easy to find though.

I typed in his name on the search bar and eventually I found his Facebook and Instagram account. There wasn't much on his timeline. The post were mostly shared from the the University's medical faculty, breakthroughs in medicine, and the occasional memes. Surprise surprise, which are also medical related. I sent a friend request and followed him on Instagram while waiting for Wayo to finish his classes.

After a few minutes of stalking, I turned off my phone when I saw Wayo walking towards me. "Hey, Ming. What do you need help with this time?"

I sighed, "Ai'Yo, how do you convince someone that you're serious about them?"

Pausing for a few seconds, he stared at me with wide eyes and furrowed brows,"Wow, out of all the things I could think of, I never thought you'd ask me for relationship advice."

"Just answer the question," I glared, not in the mood to be teased.

He sat down in front of me, taking a sip from his water jug. "Hmm. Well, all I know is that the best way to show your feelings is through your actions. No matter how much you say you love someone, it's meaningless without actions to prove your words. Simply taking care of them like asking how their day has been or checking their health. Because love is more than just a feeling, it's an action that comes from within the heart."

I stared at him with my jaw dropped,"When did you get so wise? If I knew, I would've asked you for advice sooner."

Putting down his drink, he smacked his lips,"What can I say? Watching BL with my cousin has brought me valuable knowledge."

"Hmm, now I remember why i never chose you as a wingman. You always try to set me up with the girls' handsome friend."

"Hey," he pouted, "that was ages ago. I wasn't really sure you were straight."

There was a moment of silence with me staring at him in confusion and him fidgeting in his seat.

With squinted eyes, I started,"Why on Earth wouldn't you think I was straight when I didn't even show signs of being gay?"

He replied,"Well, I live by the saying 'gay 'til proven straight'."

I thought for a bit.

"Ok, I could accept that," I rolled my eyes,"now, can you call P'Phana? I wanted to ask him for P'Kit's number."

He looked at me sincerely after dialing the senior's number, "Ming, I would just like you to know that I'm proud of you." He handed me his phone," for finding love and most importantly, it's with my boyfriend's friend!" He handed me his phone as he squealed. " We can have double dates. Aaaahhhhhh!"

Ignoring him, I waited for P'Phana to pick up his phone. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon, Phi. This is Mingkwan, Wayo's friend. I was wondering if I could ask for P'Kit's number," I bit my nails, nervous that he wouldn't.

There was a moment of silence that made me sit on edge until he spoke.

" 0943xxxxxxx, 9th dorm, the nearest one to the Faculty of Medicine. He loves rice,dragon fruit, and mango shake. He's very particular about chicken. He won't eat it if it's not that good, and usually prefers chicken inasal with chicken oil on rice."

I blinked in shock,"Wow. You're not even gonna ask why? What if I turned out to be a pscho?"

"Nah," he huffed,"you're probably asking so you could contact Kit while you're courting him. I could tell that you're crazy by the way you just contacted me. No one has the guts to call or text me unless I've personally given them my number. Well, I want to see my best friend in a relationship so bad that gender doesn't even matter anymore. The crazier the better because I don't think just any normal person could handle him. Trust me when I say that he may seem perfect but he's actually weird."

I laughed,"Well, I'm happy to have you on my side. Thanks so much phi'."

"I expect a double date as repayment for my help. Good luck, nong."

"Thanks again. I'll be sure to tell Yo." I chuckled.

Once he hung up I passed the cellphone back to Yo. I sighed as I thought of what to do.

"Sorry, Ming but I have to go pick up P'Pha from his faculty. Will you be ok here?" He asked as he stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

Hit with an idea, I grinned widely as I said, "Can you drop me off to the nearest grocery store in the faculty of Medicine? And a flower shop too if possible."

Thank you for reading this far. It means a lot to me.❤️ Along the way this sort of became a distraction for me from getting into my bad habits. Hehehehe. 😅

Edited a bit because something didn't make sense.

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