I. PhaYo (3)

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I looked back at the set to see him crossing his arms and looking around with an annoyed expression.

I want to go home. And rest........ In my grave.

P'Bo suddenly tapped my shoulder,"Quick, wear this." Then she pulled me up and handed me a pair of wings before she pushed me towards the frowning senior.

"Oof" Why these so heavy?! Aren't they just stacks of feathers?!

"He's all yours, doc," she winked playfully.

Oh, my God. Some people just need to be stopped.


He raised an eyebrow,"Well, put it on. We don't have all day."

Is it just me? But my body just doesn't cooperate with my brain whenever I'm pressured. Like when someone rushes me, somehow my muscles  loses its connection with my brain cells.

Now I'm clumsily putting the wings across my back the but the heaviness makes it hard for me to put on the straps.

"Aish! Let me," he approached me with quick strides, and pulled my arms through the straps. Having difficulty in locking it in place, he pulled me closer and fastened it across my chest. For a second there I thought I heard a squeal followed by a clicking sound.

I was pushed lightly,"Hurry up," and with those words , he went to stand beside the photographer while I was there trying to breathe with my chest being constricted.

I tried my best to move as fast as I can without being outbalanced and so far I only got around five sarcastic comments. Trying to look cool and relaxed is not easy when you have a pair of wings weighing you down and an angry polar bear for a senior staring you down. Not only did I have to keep my self on my feet, I also had to try to even out my breathing keep myself from grimacing from both the  weight and the stare.

The photographer gave me a thumbs up, "Good,N'Yo. Now we're going to give you handfuls of feathers and I want you to walk towards the camera while throwing these above yourself. Just have relax and have fun."

Giving a weak smile, I returned the gesture with a soft ok.

I did as instructed trying to look calm  when P'Phana's voice crushed my concentration. "Can you look  a bit less hungry crocodile trying to catch it's prey and a lot more like weightless bird?"

Easy for you to say!You're not the one wearing wings as heavy your own weight.

"Yes, Phi," ughh.

I walked back to the backdrop and threw a few handfuls. After a while, they still couldn't get a nice shot. I didn't want to frustrate the staff so I got my self ready to continue. Just when I was about to throw another handful, I heard a voice coming from my right, "You are clearly not used to balancing the wings while throwing the feathers. Let me sprinkle these. Just concentrate on looking blissful and try to close your eyes in a few shots."

My eyes bulged when I saw him invading my personal space. I could feel his breath fanning my neck when he reached across my lap for the basket of feathers. Seeing me squirm, he raised an eyebrow and quickly straightened up, "Ready?"

I nodded. Then he proceeded to gradually sprinkle handfuls of feathers from above me. Soon I became comfortable enough to move around freely under the shower of feathers and dreamily closed my eyes.

"Ok. N'Yo, now try sitting down while looking up," the photographer instructed.

I slowly sat down near P'Phana's feet and calmed myself. Then the photographer suggested P'Phana to be a part of the shoot and improvise. I felt a hand stroking the crown of my head going down to my jaw then stopping at my lips. Confused by the abrupt stop of the soothing gesture, I looked up only to see a smirk on the senior's face."like it?" He leaned in closer,"If you want more , all you need to do is ask."

I unconsciously covered my surprised face while looking down. He chuckled,"I would stop acting cute if I were you. I don't think you'd appreciate being kissed in public."

The shock from his words caused me to abruptly stand up, forgetting about the extremely heavy wings. Losing my balance, I stumbled on him which resulted to me sitting on his legs and my head resting on his chest.

In the background I can faintly hear the rustling of feathers and pink petals mixing with the praises of the photographer clicking away at the camera. However, the only thing I can think of is the smirk on the man's face  beneath me.

This calls for some payback.

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