chapter one

494 23 12

hope you enjoy! ~ bee <3

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

yoongi pov:
"Okay, but, what is this teacher saying?", taehyung says, looking at me with a confused face.

"It's basic math, Tae, you have to be joking right?", I reply, slightly giggling. As Tae opens his mouth to reply the bell rings.

"Saved by the bell!" Taehyung's voice rings throughout the classroom, he jumps up from his chair and runs to the door. I slowly walk over, giggling at taehyung's impatience for school. He taps his foot while I purposely slow down.

"Hurry up!~" Tae whines, I laugh and pick up my speed. We walked outside the classroom and made our way to the cafeteria. People were staring at me, I guessed it was because of what i was wearing — an oversized baby pink hoodie, with short shorts, knee-high socks, and white sneakers. That was the usual though — people stare, I keep walking. Social norms are so boooooring. Tae and Kookie like my fashion sense, although they don't dress like me at all.

As I'm walking towards Kookie at our lunch table, someone ran into me and knocked my bag to the floor. I crouched down expecting to be helped with my stuff, but this jackass keeps walking!

"Hey aren't you gonna help me?! You were the one that did this you know?!" I slightly raise my voice at the taller boy. He turns around and stares at me with a cold glare. I stand up and play with the hem of my hoodie, being uncomfortable from his gaze.

"You know, b-because you did knock my bag.." I mumble to him. He then... chuckles?

"Oh baby, it's your bag, not mine.", he says with a smirk — I blush at the nickname. By the time he was done talking I'd picked up my books and put them back in my bag.

"C'mon yoongs, lets just go.. Dick move, by the way man." Tae says.

"It's Hoseok, man" , the guy says back.

"Whatever.." Tae replies grabbing my hand, and dragging me in Kookie's direction.

Hoseok's POV

"I don't care what happened back there, that friend of the guy you bumped into was HOT hot!" Jimin exclaimed as we sat down under the tree.

"The small one wasn't too bad either..", I say trying to not sound too excited about the smaller boy.

"Are you gonna try to fuck that one too?" Namjoon chuckled, while lighting his cigarette.

"Joon!" Jin says as he slaps Namjoon on the arm.

"Sorry babe." Namjoon apologised to Jin.

"Joon's not wrong.. I wouldn't mind seeing his small body under mine.." I say with a smirk, i earn a chuckle from the group. I wasn't lying or joking just for the sake of the conversation. The smaller boy was quite cute, even if I didn't really want to admit it. As i tune back into the conversation i hear a weird conversation topic

"-okay but, joon, my love, my baby, if you think jimin is a top... you're a blabbering idiot.", Jin explains with a smile.

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