Chapter 13 : The Scent and The Princess

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"What is it Skylar, why are you getting all angsty. I don't like an angsty Skylar." I questioned my wolf.

"It's that scent...It's here, but it's faint. Meaning the person probably left a little while ago," She said.

"I don't remember anyone with this scent you?" I asked her, wondering if she knew.

"No, not of anyone I'm familiar with." She answered.

Her answer made me feel more anxiety then I did, but I just tried to think positively.

"Maybe mom and dad had someone over.." I wondered to myself.

Yeah, that was probably it. I shrugged and opened the door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm back!!!" I shouted out, even though I knew that in this small house I didn't have to, I just felt like it.

"Honey, you don't have to yell, the door is literally right there. We can see you come in." She said, setting down a plate of roasted chicken with some vegetables and mashed potato in front of my dad.

"You don't smell any different, guess the King didn't mate you then?" My dad asked, glancing up at me while taking some vegetables.

I shrugged and nodded, "Yeah... I mean, I wasn't ready to mate and he wasn't ready to reveal my identity. It was a win win thing." I said to them.

My dad nodded and my mom asked if I've eaten yet, I shook my head and sat beside my dad, waiting for my food.

My phone started to ring inside my pocket, making me jump from the vibrating sensation. I pulled it out and saw that Hunter was calling me. I rejected the call and texted him.

To : Hunter

From : Leaa

I'm having dinner with my parents rn, call you later? Xo

Not long after I hit send a reply was quick to enter my phone.

From : Hunter

To : Leaa

Okay, call me when you're done. Xo

I put my phone back inside my pocket and looked up to see both my parents staring at me curiously.

"What?" I asked them, feeling awkward.

"Nothing, just nothing honey. Here, eat your food." My mom said nudging my dad and putting my plate in front of me, making me narrow my eyes at them with wonder.

As I ate the food my mom gave me a question I've been meaning to asked them popped up in my head. Putting down the fork from my hand, I took a sip from the cup next to the plate before looking at my parents that were chatting.

"Mom, dad." I called out, making them stop mid conversation and look at me.

"What is it honey? Do you need something?" My mom questioned with a raised eyebrow.

I shook my head and asked, "Did someone, like one of your friends maybe came over a while ago?" I asked slowly.

My parents furrowed their eyebrows and looked at each other, silently asking one another, "Did you?"

My dad turned and looked at me, his eyebrows still furrowed, "No honey, no one came over...why?"

His answer gave me a tad bit of anxiety...then who's scent was that?

"Nothing dad, just thought that you should you know, bring over your friends for dinner. A nice gesture, right?" I said, lying through my teeth and smiled.

I'M HIS (#Wattys 2019)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ