Chapter 4:Entrance Exam

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A few months later
(Y/n) pov:
It's been a few months since we moved away from home. I still kind of missed my old home but most of all I miss my friend, Abe.....oh Abe! *sighs*

Anyways, living here in Musutafu is wonderful! I love living in the city! Everyone here is super nice! The only worst part about this is that there are villians most of the time!

BUT also sometimes All Might comes! All Might is my favorite hero ever!

I've known him ever since I was little! I'm such a big fan! Ahhh~! BUT I have to prepare for the entrance exams! I mean I have been practicing ever since I got my first quirk! Which was either earth or flying.....but I have been practicing! I rember the time Abe texted me that he got his, but he never revealed it to me T^T...which I never thought he got one....sorry Abe! Oh my, would you look at the time! I have to hurry!!!!


Running and running....I feel my sweat rolling down my head, oh I'm so tired! Ah! WOW this place is so huge! It's funny as well because it's the shape of an H.

Oh man I'm really, really nervous! Wait....I hear someone mumbling something.

I turn my head to where I hear the voice, I see a green haired boy mumbling something... something about swallowing someone's hair?!(ò_óˇ)

I really want to tell him why is he talking to himself but I'm afraid that he might say something..... "Hey are you okay? I heard you talking to yourself about swallowing hair? And let me tell you I hate when that happens!" Damn it (Y/n)!

Why did you just say that?!
After I just say not to....oh what if he judges me...NO! No one shall judge me! I won't allow it! The green hair boy turned around! Okay, get ready, (Y/n)...

"W-What?!? I-I'm o-okay-" The green haired boy said, he was going to continue to talk but was cut off by someone...

"Stupid deku" I heard someone say.....deku?!

Isn't Deku a dog's name or something ? I mean I won't judge.

We both turned our heads back to see this ash blonde spiky haired boy, with such red eyes walking towards our direction.

Damn! I never knew people actually had that type of eyes.

"Kacchan?" The green haired boy said, hmm so that ash blonde haired boy is named is Kacchan, huh?

"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire." Kacchan said calmly.

"Huh?!? Good morning let's......" I didn't really hear on what he said because he talked so fast. o( ̄ヘ ̄o)

I wonder if he is okay though because Kacchan just called him stupid deku.

I'm just going to ask him in case.... "Umm... are you okay? He literary called you stupid deku?"

The green haired boy looked at me. (◔︿◔)

"O-Oh me?!? Y-yes! T-Thanks for asking!" The green haired boy stuttered out.

For some reason I can see redness spread across his face.

Is he shy? I think so only because I experience something like this but after a few hi's, I wasn't shy that much.

I feel like this is now awkward now...let me ask him a question, "Soooooo, are you trying out?" He looked at me with his face still red and said, "y-yes"

I putted my thumbs up and smiled. I asked him if he wanted to walk with me and he nodded his head and said yes. Thus we both walked together until I noticed something.

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