Chapter 65:Match Uno...!

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<<<Chapter 65>>>
"Match Uno...!"


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A/n:OKAY so it's been a while... so I am so sorry for not publishing any chapters... you see I took a break and then when I was gonna go back I watched season 5 but then stopped when I heard they were doing fillers. So I lost motivation but then here I am because yeah. Anyways, sorry about not publishing sooner and if you watch my videos... Please look forward to a new one. It'll probably be the Halloween one... I know it's late but maybe. Because the video is so far going to nowhere... which sucks. Like A LOT. But ehehe enjoyed it.


Previously what happened:...So...! Everyone got prepared for the first round... Todoroki and (L/n) almost had a special moment but OH Monoma interrupted them... Also it seemed like Vlad King was getting too into this. (yuh...) This is the moment we're waiting for... Class A vs Class B! Er, I mean, at least I'm excited and hyped.

To the chapter!


(Y/n)'s pov:
"Start!!" Vlad King said.


The horn finally yelled 'begin'... I wonder what this round will be like or who will win...?

The camera looked around to everyone's point of view.

It showed Asui stuck to a wall... like a cute frog.

"We all have a good idea of the other team's skills, but let's stay together so we can put pressure on with our numbers." Asui said, camouflaging onto the wall.

"Hey, don't you think I could just separate from you guys and let off a million volts or something?" Kaminari asked.

That seems smart but...

"Did you think about what would happen if you separated from us? You'd be by yourself, you know." Kirishima sighed.


"That's true..." Kaminari coughed out.

Kaminari looked around, "And that Shiozaki'll be tough, huh? That quirk's amazing."

Her quirk is amazing... all she gotta do is just control her hair, right? Yeah I think so.

So basically long distance combat, nice.

Kaminari gulped in embarrassment, "It's got range, and I lost to it..."

"I'd like to take care of the most troublesome quirk first." Shinso said.

Kaminari placed on his arm gear, "You totally get it, Shinso!"

"Anyone would understand that."

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