Seriously? (Destiel)

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"Alright then...Bobby, you're with me, Sam, you can take care off Cas?" Dean ordered, loading his gun and and staring out into the darkness. Castiel stood next to Dean, awkwardly standing around the professionals but observing and trying to copy what Dean was doing.
"I'll take care of exit one, the son of a bitch won't be able get passed. Dean is backing me up and also with exit two and releasing captives. Cas stay near Dean...and Sam you go in and gank this thing, we'll take care of side kicks sneezy, dopey and lazy. Don't go failing this is our one shot. You all know what you're doin', now don't go messing it up boys" Bobby declared before patting Deans shoulder harshly and walking over to the impala.
"Yeah, okay. It's not that difficult, don't worry about this" Sam said, walking slowly off.
"I'll be near you, don't hesitate to come over to me if you don't know what to do" Dean calmly said to the angel, who was a bit confused about the entire operation and the thing they were hunting. Dean didn't know how else to protect the angel, he needed to let him go for a while, gain his trust again though.
"Okay, see you on the other side" Cas smiled. Dean shuffled as he was uncomfortable with the proximity of which he and the angel were standing, Cas seemed okay with it though.
Without thinking, Dean quickly leant in a pecked Castiels lips, dragging them before drawing away and walking off with Bobby and disappearing.
Cas froze at the spot, blushing harshly. He'd closed his eyes briefly before realising what was happening...sort of.
What the actual hell just happened though? Did Dean like me then? All Cas could think about was that moment, Deans soft lips. He closed his eyes again reliving that moment of bliss.
"Cas, did you just? Did Dean just-?" Sam began, walking away from his point of observation.
"I have no idea...did he even know he did that?" Cas walked over to Sam as they found their way around the main building.
"I didn't think Dean liked me like that. I mean what did I do?...what should I do!?" Cas said, panicking.
"Urm...ha...I think you should kiss him properly after we've killed this son of a bitch. He loves you! It's obvious. He just needed to realise it"
"Do you think?" Cas relaxed a bit more as they quietened down and crept in the entrance.
"Yeah. Yeah I do think! You love him back, don't you?"
"Of did you..."
"Me and Bobby have seen it since forever"
"How could you see it since forever...Dean hasn't been around-"
"It's a phrase. Now let's get this finished and then you can talk to him" Sam said in a much better mood.
Dean walked absentmindedly away from the frozen angel and found Bobby leaning against the entrance he was guarding.
"What took you so long?" Bobby grumbled.
"Nothing! Nothing I just..." he started confident then it all came flooding back to him.
"Yeah, spit it out quickly before the creature dies of waiting for us to kill it"
"I think...I don't know what over came me but I have a feeling I just kissed Cas" Dean was wide eyed at the thought, he rubbed his forehead before stumbling away.
"Feeling? A feeling?" Bobby gave Dean a strange look.
"Hmm" Dean nodded his head then bit his lip in anxiousness.
"You...kissed Castiel?...finally!"
"W-What do you mean finally?"
"Don't act so shocked in yourself, me and Sam knew for a while...hell we even had a plan if you didn't kiss him soon to set you two up!"
"I hate you guys sometimes"
"At least you know you love Cas" Bobby slyly grinned before walking over to his place, waiting for the signal to enter.
"Got to hell...bitch" Sam sliced the rope in turn killing the Kjainlo. Team free will stood still for a moment, hearts pounding and breath heavy as they observed the mess they needed to clean up.
"Good job, Sam" Bobby said after a moment.
"Dean, you alright?" Sam turned to his older brother and looked him up and down.
"Good thanks...fantastic even" he sounded sarcastic then gathered himself, walking out of the building and sat on his Impala.
"Cas, you better go after him" Sam gave a 'look' and nodded for Cas to go.
"Thank you" he smiled and briskly followed Dean.
"Hey, alright? You did good, thanks for saving my ass" Dean chuckled as Cas sat on the bonnet next to him.
"I suppose it's not a discussion of what happened during the hunt, but what happened before Dean" Cas have a solemn look sideways and stared into Deans green eyes.
"W-What are you talking about?" Dean didn't want to face the inevitable.
"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about, care to explain?"
"I-I don't happened so quickly it was like...instinct"
"He fucking loves you Dean!" Sam shouted from the other end of the alley. Dean looked over at an uncomfortable and blushing Castiel and put his hand around his waist.
"Shut up bitch!" Dean shouted back, then returning his glance to Cas.
"Jerk" you could only just hear Sam say.
"Look, Cas I'm sorry...I just happened to kiss you before a hunt. I was nervous, and I'm not going to lie it calmed me down, and you're not a bad kisser" Dean messily flirting a bit with the confused angel.
"It was 'instinct'?" Cas titled his head and squinted a little.
"Yeah, forget I said that...sorry, I shouldn't have tried it" Dean innocently smiled to he gaze fell to the ground.
"Shut up" Cas held onto the hunters collar and pulled it close, crashing his lips with Deans.
Dean pulled slowly away, smiling more than he had in a long time, Cas shuffled back onto the impalas hood and smirked a little, looking awkwardly away. They had both been reduced to bushing hot messes.
"Can we try that again sometime, Dean?" Cas said innocently.
"You don't have to ask, I'm all yours now angel" Dean took Castiels hand and took him around into the car.
"Shall we go back to the motel? Bobby and Sam are waiting" Cas stood up and got into the car.
"Why would they be waiting? Doesn't make sense" Dean clambered in and drove off.
At the motel Bobby and Sam were in their 'collective' room. Dean and Cas walked in, Cas behind the hunter.
" have my money don't you?" Sam said first as soon as they were all in the same room and settled.
"Yeah...why?" Dean took out a handful of notes and handed them gingerly over to his brother.
"Here you are Bobby" Sam handed over about $100 over to Bobby before smiling at Cas and Dean.
"W-What was that about?" Cas tilted his head. Dean saw this uneasiness and felt for his hand, gripping it tight.
"Ha, none of your business now" Bobby scoffed, patting Sam on the back and both walking out of the room.
"See you in the morning" Sam closed the door behind leaving Dean and Cas in slight shock.
" on us?" Dean clarified to himself.
"Appears so" Cas took hold of Deans hand again "I've-I've got to go, I'm sorry, someone is calling. I'll be back tomorrow" Cas quickly said.
"Oh, urm okay. I'll be in here...waiting"
"I mean it's not as if I've got anything better to do"
"Okay then" Cas caressed Deans cheek and planted a small kiss on his lips.
When Dean opened his eyes again the angel was gone, leaving him feel empty, worthless and lonely once more.
"I'll see you soon then...I-I love you"

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