"Okay!" said Haruka with a smile. 'So, we have to act like assholes because of the clan elders but are free to act like ourselves while away from the outside world. Well that's fucked up.'

"Anyway, we have good news for you, Haruka," said Anzen with a grin.

"What is it?" asked Haruka, curiously.

"Well, we enrolled you for the Academy! That's part one. Part two is that we are going to start your training!" said Ai with a big smile.

"I'm gonna be a ninja like Oto-san and Oji-san?"

"And like Oka-san too!" said Ai with a smirk.

"Oka-san was a ninja?" asked Haruka. 'I didn't know that, but I should have guessed it.'

"Hai! The only reason I'm not anymore is because your Oto-san is to stupid to take care of a child!" said Ai with a smile, making her brother laugh and her husband fall over.

"I'm unloved," said Kasai as he got on his looked at his wife.

"It's okay Oto-san, someone will love you one day!" said Haruka with an innocent smile. 'I'm so mean, but this is funny.'

"Well, we know who she takes after," said Anzen with a smirk.

"Shut up," said Kasai with a glare.

"Anyway, since it's your birthday, let's go and get some dango and then we can buy you some ninja gear!" said Ai with a smile.

"Okay," said Haruka as she took her mothers hand and the four left their house.

As they walked to the Dango Shop, the adults told Haruka about how she was going to be trained and how things would go at the Academy. Haruka listened intently and asked questions, trying to get as much information as she could.

'The more info I have, the better everything would be fore me later,' she thought as they walked into the Dango shop.

"Ai!" said a female voice. The family turned around to see a beautiful women with a round tummy.

'Is that Mikoto?' thought Haruka in shock.

"Mikoto! How are you?" said Ai as she went to her friend and hugged her.

"I'm doing fine," she said with a smile and hugged the other two men, though they looked uncomfortable.

'I guess Uchiha men are scared of hugs,' though Haruka as she giggled, causing Mikoto to look at her.

"And is this Haruka-chan? You're all grown up!" she said with a smile as she bent down to hug the young girl.

"Thank you, Mikoto-san," said Haruka with a blush.

"And where is Itachi-kun?" asked Anzen with a straight face.

"Right here, sir," said a young boys voice. Haruka turned to see a very young Itachi looking at her uncle, only for him to turn and look at her.

'So cute,' she thought with a small blush. 'I want to hug him!'

"Hi," said Itachi with a small smile.

"Hi," replied Haruka with a blush.

"Today is Haruka's fifth birthday! We came to get her dango," said Ai with a smile at the children.

"Oh! How nice! I came because I've been craving dango. I blame this little one," said Mikoto as she patted her stomach.

"When will the child be born?" asked Kasai with an emotionless face.

"Soon, he likes to kick a lot, so soon," said Mikoto as she then looked at Haruka. "Do you want to feel him kick?"

"I can?" asked a bewildered Haruka causing everyone to smile at her.

"Of course! Come here," said Mikoto as she grabbed the girl's hand and put it on her stomach. After a few seconds, Haruka's eye widened. She then looked at Itachi and grabbed his hand, shocking everyone.

"Feel him!" she simply said as she put his hand on Mikoto's stomach. Itachi looked at her confused, but then had the same expression as her as he felt his younger brother kick. The adults watched with smiles as the children kept feeling for the baby's kicks.

"Well then, let's go eat," said Ai as she and Mikoto guided the children to a seat and ordered some sweets.

"Haruka-chan, are you going to go to the Academy soon?" asked Itachi as the two ate from their plates.

"Yeah, next year. What about you?" asked Haruka as she munched on her food. 'Though, I bet I already know.'

"Next year, too. Maybe we will be in the same class," said Itachi as he smiled at her.

"Good, I want to have a friend!" said Haruka with a smile as she then hugged Itachi, shocking him, Ai and Mikoto just smiled at the two. 'I need to get close so that I can figure out a way to change things. I may not be able to save the Uchiha clan, but I have to figure out a way to save myself to be able to change other things.'

"Isn't that sweet," said Mikoto as the adults watch the two children. "I think they like each other."

"Already planning for grandchildren?" asked Anzen with a smirk.

"Never to early!" said Ai as she watched the two interact. She then turned to Mikoto. "So, do you know when they baby is due?"

"Sometime next month," said Mikoto as touched her stomach. She then looked at the children again as the two shared some of their sweets.

"They get along well," said Kasai as he looked at the two.

"They do. I was wondering, could we make a play date fore them. I want Itachi to have a least one friend. Fugaku keeps pushing him, I want him to have at least somewhat of a childhood."

"Of course," said Ai as she grabbed her friends' hand. "Come on over, anytime. Or send Itachi-kun over. I think it would be good for Haruka as well."

"Thank you," said Mikoto as she got up. "Well, I think that it's time to go. Say bye to your friend, Itachi. You can see her next week."

"Yes, Oka-san," said Itachi as he stood up and smiled at Haruka. "Bye Haruka-Chan, and happy birthday."

"Bye, Itachi-kun," said Haruka as she hugged Itachi, shocking the boy, again. He had a light blush as he hugged her back, causing both mothers to giggle. 'Hopefully this is the start of change.'

"Bye, Mikoto, Itachi-kun," said Ai as her husband and brother just nodded as the two left. She then turned to her daughter. "Are you ready to go to the store to get your ninja gear? Then we can go home and open up your presents."

"Okay," said Haruka as she grabbed her mom's hand. The family then walked out of the shop and toward the shopping district.

'Hopefully, now that I know where I am in the time line, I can plan. So much to do in so little time. The likely hood of me stopping the Uchiha massacre is almost non-existent, but perhaps I can save myself, and in turn, save Itachi and maybe even Neji in the future. I'll have to take it one step at a time.'

"Oto-san, when can I start training?" asked Haruka as she looked at her father.

"We can start tomorrow," he said as he gave her a soft smile.

"Hai!" said Haruka with a smile. 'I need to be stronger. The sooner I start training, the better.'

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