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Minho woke up breathing heavily, it was probably around 6 am. As he woke up so suddenly, Jisung was also woken.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jisung cupped Minho's face and looked him in the eyes. "I'm here you're safe. What happened?"

"I thought I lost you. I thought you hated me"

"Min why would you think that? You know I love you"

"You're too good for me.." Minho said quietly.

"No Minho, I'm bad for you. I do bad things"

"Not anymore..you've stopped right?"

Jisung shook his head. "No..I haven't and I hate myself for doing this to you.."

"Jisung w-what did you do?" Minho sounded nervous.

"I c-cheated on you.."

This made Minho push Jisung away slightly, he was upset. Very upset.

"J-Jisung..please tell me this is a l-lie" he stuttered.

Jisung shook his head yet again. "I didn't mean to..I really didn't mean it"

"You're trying to say that you c-cheated on me by accident? Jisung what the fuck"

"Minho baby I was drunk and please I'm so sorry!"

"No, I thought you changed! I thought hmm maybe I'll give him a chance, but no you proved to me that people can't change no matter what"

"I'm so so sorry, you know I've been trying so hard to change Mi-"

"Fuck off." Minho said. "I need some time alone."

"Minho it's fucking 6 am! Where am I gonna go?"

"Hyunjin's house maybe? Or the person you cheated on me with!"

"Minho come on you aren't thinking straight!"

"I said go away. I don't want to talk to you"

Jisung sighed, Minho was stubborn, VERY stubborn. So Jisung grabbed some of his belongings and left the house. The morning air was cold, it made Jisung shiver as he walked. He felt terrible, cheating on Minho was a bad idea even if it was when he was drunk. Before he knew it tears filled his eyes but he wiped them away.

Minho I hope you can forgive me. What I did was a dick move, you have every right to hate me. Just please don't forget how amazing you are baby, I love you
Read 6:45am

No response. Minho had read the text thought and he was crying as he did. Minho was really hurt by what Jisung said, he couldn't believe it.

Seriously Minho what were you expecting! Dating a fuck boy  is never a good idea..you should've known you'd get cheated on.

I'll be at District café at around 2pm..if you want to you can meet me there and I'll explain everything to you, if you don't wanna meet time then that's fine.
Read 7:05am

Heaven or Hell ~ Hjs+Lmh Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ