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"Who was it.."

"Firstly I lied, it wasn't a girl it was a guy.." Jisung looked at the ground.

"Do I know him?" Minho asked.

"Y-Yes.." Jisung sighed. "It was C-Chan"

"You what! You fucking cheating on me, WITH CHAN" Minho was mostly angry but also slightly confused.

"Baby like I said it wasn't intentional! I was drunk I only found out it was him the next morning!"

"Oh so you slept with him? I thought it was just a 'make out session'.."

"No I didn't sleep with him!! I fell asleep on the way home, he was dropping me off to Hyunjin's place but then he took me to his and I woke up on his couch feeling so sick..babe you've gotta trust me" Jisung explained. "Plus he's got a boyfriend too.."

"That's great isn't it? So you both ch-"

"Minho you know I didn't mean it. You know that you're the only one I love, so please can we put this behind us?"

"Thank you for being honest with me..but you get no cuddles for a week!" Minho stuck his tongue out at Jisung.

"That's unfair! I want cuddles!"

"Can I finish my ice cream? Then we'll go home and I'll decide"

It was dark when they walked home, very dark. Though Jisung didn't want to admit it he didn't like the dark, it scared him. He stuck close to Minho and tried to quicken his pace whenever he felt anxious. He was also cold but didn't say anything as Minho was cold too and needed a jacket more than him.

When they got home, Jisung was really tired. He didn't even bother changing before he jumped onto the bed and fell asleep.

"You're such a child!" Minho said as he got into the bed too, wrapping himself around Jisung and putting a blanket on him.

PlEasE doNt hAtE mE oR ChaN

Heaven or Hell ~ Hjs+Lmh Where stories live. Discover now