→twenty one

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The gig in Perth is incredibly amazing and I think I saw Natasha at the fifth row and guess what? I did saw her.

She came to watch me and she's here.

I couldn't contain myself. I'm so happy that I can finally meet her and I still wondering, why wouldn't she tell me that she's coming?

Maybe she wanted to surprise me. Maybe.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and kept the guitar back to the case. Luke and Calum took a selfie and posted on Instagram.

"Michael, join us!" Ashton yelled from the stage, Ashton and his drumset. That drums is his life.

"I'm in!" I jumped on Luke and he pushed me to Calum as I kissed Luke's cheek and posted it on our twitter page.

"Clifford ew!" Luke wipe his cheeks as I threw him a wink.

"You're supposed to do that to Natasha at the stage and not winking at me!" Luke pushed me as I hugged Ashton. I just needed a hug right now.

"I'm freaking out when I saw her! I stared at her for ages and then I realized when she told me she had black eyes and it hit me that it's really her at our concert." I confessed and make our way to the car that came to pick up us from the airport, hotel and mall as Luke went the other way.

"You fancy her!" Ashton yelled giddily.

"I think so." I smiled at them as the security guard came to us.

"Guys, there's a fan sneak in here and I know you're on your way to your hotel but it's almost midnight and I think Luke is talking to her, so I came to call you guys."

"Okay, we'll be there soon." Ashton told him as Calum already walked towards Luke and the fan.

"Ash, I'm going to take some fresh air real quick yeah?" I put my arm on his shoulder and he replied, "Be quick." I nodded.

I walked towards the other entrance and start to admiring the city. This city is so quiet and beautiful at night. I took a few pictures of the city as memories. I don't know when we'll be back here.

I spun around as I saw a girl appears on my camera screen. I lowered my phone and walked towards her. She shouldn't be here at this time. Probably one of the fans that came to watch us. As I moved closer, I saw her grip her jacket as the wind blows on her face. She's talking to someone on the phone, I guess her parents? Suddenly she just stared at her phone then ended the call, shoved it on her pocket. I tapped on her shoulder and I froze on the spot as I saw the familiar faces that I'm looking forward to.

Natasha is right here in front of me and she looked ridiculously beautiful.


see I torture you?? I didn't continue the cliffhanger yet muahahha

short chapter for you bcs im so happy, that this nicest person in the world just make the banner for the book, then, someone wanted to translate this book to polish which a huge deal for me bcs I never thought that someone would wanted to do that and I feel so special when I have to freaking study!

this chapter dedicated to wowcalum, love you and thank you for being so nice xxx

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