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natasha: hey im sorry

tom daley: YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!

natasha: yES I AMMMMM

tom daley: IM GLAD I MISS YOU

natasha: i miss you too

tom daley: where have you been for almost two days??

natasha: somewhere

tom daley: tell me please

natasha: no

tom daley: are you on a date with someone?!

natasha: NO!!

jack dawson: please????????

natasha: okay. i went to my grandparents house which there's no wifi and coverage

jack dawson: why there's no coverage and wifi??

natasha: bcs my grandad says that everyone back at home to meet relatives that they haven't meet for so long and we can play with our phone anyday bcs family is our first priority, so he made a decision not to have a wifi and coverage. but if you really wanted to call from there, you will have to find the perfect spot to even find your one coverage.

jack dawson: sounds so relaxing

natasha: yeah, i love to be there. i miss them

jack dawson: how are they?

natasha: fine, good condition

jack dawson: glad to know babe

natasha: how are you? hows your day?

punk star: band practice, recording album and interviews like always.

natasha: how is it?

punk star: fun when we all make jokes at the interview and bored when the interviewer asking us the same questions over and over again

natasha: aw you have a great career, you should be proud and happy

punk star: i am, everyday

natasha: how long you'll be here?

punk star: we're back to sydney this monday

natasha: oh

punk star: are you coming to the concert this Saturday?

natasha: im not, im sorry

punk star: wish you were here though

natasha: you'll be fine

punk star: im even better if you're here

natasha: stop whining!

punk star: im not!

natasha: you are!!!

punk star: no

natasha: yes you are

punk star: am not!

natasha: yes!

punk star: no i don't want to talk to you anymore bye

natasha: but michael

natasha: michael

natasha: you're seriously ignoring me?

natasha: im joking baby

natasha: michael clifford

natasha: you're my only friend

natasha: or should i say guy friend

natasha: which is extremely hot and sexy

natasha: and he's ignoring me right now

natasha: but i think it's cute

natasha: because, maybe he's not replying and ignoring me but he read all of this

i know she is going to the concert with zoe but she's not going to tell michael that she's going bcs she's not ready to face michael and they're not talking to each other or hearing each other's voice yet plus facetime.

they will but they taking this slowly bcs I've never been in a relationship ever in my life and I read fanfics to know the feelings.  poor me right

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/who still cannot read chapter 14 or 15?/

look at pink michael aw

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