chapter 22 - The Departed

Start from the beginning


Alex and Elena were in their cheerleading uniforms, walking in.

Jenna Sommers was making coffee. "Hey." 

Liv sat on the island next to her. "Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?" 

"He's 14," Jenna told her. "They don't think. Just think, you have about a year to figure that out." Elena grabbed a coffee pot. Jenna took it back. "Hey, you'll get me in trouble."

Miranda Gilbert walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." 

"Morning, Mom," Alex told her.

Miranda kissed Alex on the cheek, then Elena. She smiled, walking toward Liv, kissing her hair, going to stand next to Jenna. 

Elena, Alex and Liv smiled.



Same Night - Mystic Falls Hospital - Elena's Hospital Room 

Elena woke up in the hospital bed, looking around in confusion.


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Mystic Falls Hospital - Hallway 

Jeremy and Meredith were standing in the hallway outside of Elena's hospital room, observing her while she slept.

"She's gonna be fine," Meredith told him. "She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about."

"But she collapsed," Jeremy told her. "There was blood. I would have asked Alex or Liv to give Elena blood, but they were here, trying to protect Nicola."

"Honestly, Jeremy, she's okay," Meredith told him. "She just... She's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call?"


On the Road - SUV

Damon was driving.

Stefan was in the passenger seat.

Kaylin was in the backseat, holding her phone on speakerphone.

"You did what?" Damon asked.

Jeremy's  voice was on the other line. "I took her to the hospital." He were in the hospital hallway, speaking over speakerphone. "When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911."

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal," Kaylin told him. "Every remaining Original is gonna want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there."

"So, why did you leave Nicola here?" Jeremy asked.

"Nikki has no choice," Kaylin told him. "She has a freaking tumor on her carotid that very well could be the death of her unless they get that thing out of her tonight. Elena doesn't have that excuse, does she?" 

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