chapter 13 - Bringing Out the Dead

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From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Eliza: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in the warehouse, Klaus compelled Kaylin to remember.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 The Reckoning) "When you compelled me to remember our past, you also allowed me to remember Rosalita."

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in flashback to Gloria's bar, Stefan, Kaylin, Klaus, Rebekah and Rosalita were sitting at their table.

Rosalita was mind controlling them.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 The Reckoning) "And she had a certain degree of mind control that allowed her to even control us."

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the gym, Klaus gripped Stefan's heart, and then compelled Kaylin.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 The Reckoning) "She told us to believe in showing our love to friends and family and lovers, by being cruel to them if they are cruel to us."

From 3.05 "The Reckoning", in the hospital parking lot, Klaus and Kaylin were facing each other.

"And we both proved that that mind control still has a hold of us," Kaylin told him. "It does beg the question, though, how far is she in our heads?"

Klaus didn't answer, looking unnerved.

From 3.09 "Homecoming", Stefan and Klaus's phone conversation.

"You took everything from me, Klaus," Stefan told him.

"Let bygones be bygones," Klaus told him. "Resentment gets old."

"Know what never gets old?" Stefan asked. "Revenge."

Klaus opened the truck, revealing that it was empty and the caskets were all gone. He realized who took them, angry. "No."

"What's the matter, Klaus?" Stefan asked. The caskets were in the basement of the witch house with him. "Missing something?"

From 3.11 "Our Town", in the basement of the witch house, Stefan, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Cristian were talking.

Nicola turned toward the coffins, walking between two of them. "Four sleeping Originals, five coffins. So, who is in the locked box?"

From 3.12 "The Ties That Bind", in the basement of the witch house, Stefan, Elena, Nicola, Bonnie and Lindsey were talking.

Lindsey pointed at a symbol in the grimoire. "This symbol, it means a spell requires two generations of witches. We're only from one generation."

"Which means..." Bonnie trailed off.

"I can help you, but we need help from another witch, too," Lindsey answered. "Your mother."

From 3.12 "The Ties That Bind", in the road, Bonnie, Lindsey and Abby were talking.

"I wanna help you," Abby told them. 

"You have no magic, and I don't trust you," Bonnie told her.

"Maybe you can help me get my magic back," Abby told them.

From 3.12 "The Ties That Bind", in the Lockwood Cellar, Tyler was chained up, shirtless.

Bill: (voice over from 3.12 The Ties That Bind) "To break the sire bond, you've got to make yourself turn."

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