°My true love°

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Look at all the things my true love gave to me. My true love, my true love

You are my true love

Jonah's POV
Just like that the Kippens holiday party came just as quickly as it was announced. I thought it would be just our friend group but Tj and Amber's parents went away for a weekend and the word spread quicker than the flu so it quickly became a big party

But I do love Christmas and all things winter or Autumn. There my favourite times of the year. I think it's called a 'holiday party' out of respect for Cyrus which is totally fine I think we'll still go the traditional things.

Walker and I walked hand in hand to the party he seemed a little too excited if I'm honest he was smiling really big to himself swinging our interlocked hands back and fourth.

"You seem very peppy this evening" I said with a smile growing on my face mirroring his.

"How could I not be it's a really happy time of the year we're going to a party and... I'm with you" smirking I shook my head pecking his cheek

"Well that's a very valid reason but can I ask why you're bringing a backpack?" He laughed lightly

"You'll have to wait and see"

He tugged my hand forward towards the door We could already hear loud music and the sound of teenagers raving as the party grew. The decorations where endless I could tell which one's Andi had included herself. We were greeted by Cyrus and Tj well it took them a minute to stop flirting and notice us.

"Hey you two looking good" Cyrus said dodging Tj's kisses "Oh wanna hear a joke?" Tj  groaned stepping to his side

"He was googling Christmas jokes and puns just for tonight"

"How does a reindeer know when it's christmas?" He was already laughing before he got the joke out


"He checks his calen-deer" he laughs Tj and Walker rolled there eyes

"I don't get it" I said looking confused at at them they all laughed

"Don't worry it's not even that good" Walker reassured I shrugged it off.

We headed into the living room that was buzzing with energy. But our group kind of retreated to the kitchen for snacks. We suddenly heard a lot groaning in the crowd and people starting to look uncomfortable.

"I smell a rat" Tj said a little too loud pointing at what caused the disruption.

Kira and her brother Liam made their way through to the kitchen no wonder everyone was suddenly upset.

"Well well well if it isn't the boyfriend stealer" Kira said sneering at Cyrus

"For the last time we were never a thing" Tj yelled

"Oh and look Walker you decided to bring your little bit on the side it's too bad you're probably really nice hope you know what you're getting yourself into" Liam said with a smug look on his face.

I was sick of being scared of Liam and I was  tired of Kira constantly giving Cyrus and Tj shit for them two being together. I got up right in front of their faces.

"That's it Liam you need to get over yourself Walker clearly wasn't happy with you but he was always faithful to you so you have no fucking right to come to a place you weren't invited to a start talking all this bullshit. And Kira stop taunting Cyrus and Tj I'm only gonna tell you once don't make tell you again." I was red Kira and Liam looked a little timid

"Y-yeah w-well-" Kira started only to be cut off by Cyrus


He had this new found confidence as both Kira and Liam left I turned to everyone earning 'well dones' and pats on the back Walker hugged be tight kissing my cheek.

"Couldn't of said it better myself" Buffy smiled warmly at me

"Yeah but they're just bullies and we shouldn't be focused on them"

"Exactly right" Andi said hugging me.

We all laughed and joked the rest of the night. Marty somehow got into the Kippens cabinet with eggnog inside.

"Yo do you guys dare me to jug all this"

"Do it" me and Tj said simultaneously

"No way I'm not cleaning your sick off the carpet put it back" Amber intruded Marty shrugged and returned it.

Slower songs began playing everyone seemed to pull the significant others for a dance.

"Are we dancing?" Walker said playing with my hair

"Not yet"

I put in a request with Tj I was still waiting.

"Oh I almost forgot I got you a little something it's why I had to bring the backpack"

"You know if there shoes Andi and Buffy might throw up" he giggled

"Good thing it's not then"

He pulled out a notebook with a galaxy painted on it by him of course it had 'let's paint the sky' on the front I opened it to the first page and there was a sketched drawing of us it was very detailed it was amazing.

"I saw your song book and figured you'd like a new one"

"I don't know what to say... I didn't realise we were getting each other present now I don't have anything for you"

"You didn't have to you've already gone above and beyond"

"no one has ever done this for me before"

"Its about time people appreciated you more"

"Thank you so so much" we both smiled lovingly at each other inching forward I planted a kiss on his lips letting it linger it felt tingly and tasted sweet. True love started playing excitedly I pulled him to the dance floor.

On the first day of Christmas when you gave me all them kisses
Boy, you showed me things, come hold me please, and never let me go

We took our positions and started dancing close to each other

"How'd you know I love this song?"

"I mean how could you not?" I chuckled

On the fourth we committed
Any time, he could get it, he's the real one, I know it

Looking to my left I could see Cyrus and Tj cuddling for dear life. They really are perfect for each other. And I know who's perfect for me.

Look at all the things my true love gave to me
My true love, my true love, you are my true love

Walker spun me also pulling me closer in the process I giggled putting and arms around him.

You completed the vision
Now I feel like I'm living, you're so one-in-a-million, oh

I inhaled familiar scents that made me feel safe in his arms ignoring the wetness building in my eyes I was truly really lucky to have him how would I tell him I don't know

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered

"Nothing just how did I ever deserve this? You mean so much to me"

"You deserve the world" he smiled fondly

Ah-ah, you are my true love

"I love you Jonah it's always been you"

The end

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