•Fuck square one•

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Buffy's POV

I headed to the movies to meet up with Marty for a date but I then stumbled upon Jonah leaning against a wall staring at his phone only he had tears rolling down his face. He noticed my presence and quickly wipped his tears but I could see he kept tearing up

"H-hey Buffy on your way to see Marty"

His voice cracked in the middle of the sentence as he put on a smile

"Jonah what's wrong why are you crying?"

"W-what nothings wrong"

I put my hand on the green eyed boy's shoulder

"I care about you Jonah please tell me what's up"

"I'm having an allergic reaction"

"Seriously to What?"


With that he started to sob I pulled him in for hug and he cried into my shoulder

"Awe Jonah please I wanna help tell me"

"I-i-i can't I'm sorry I will but not right now I'm scared" he said as he pulled away

"Well whatever this is I am always here for you I won't be mad or make fun I swear" saying that seemed to calm him down

"Thanks Buffy your a great friend"

We went our separate ways but I still felt bad for Jonah I met up with Marty and he saw the concern on my face

"What's up do you not like the shirt because I don't think I like it either"

"I got you that shirt and that's not it I saw Jonah in tears about something but he wouldn't say what I'm worried about him"

"He has been awfully distant we'll keep an eye on him"

Jonah's POV

Remember a time when I said I'm at a good place well I feel like the second I start falling for someone I go straight back to square one actually fuck that I feel like I'm at an all time low like I didn't rock bottom rock bottom hit me.

I have no idea why i feel this way ecspecially since it's about a boy I mean with Andi I kinda felt like this but I feel 10 times worse I just don't know what to do with myself. If this is what love feels like I owe Amber another apology.

My thoughts are interrupted as I collided with another person we both screamed in shock and pain I felt anger rise in me but I'm face softened seeing who it was

"O-oh hey Andiman sorry I w-wasn't watching were I was going"

"That's fine I was in a rush"

I noticed she looked frazzled her face resembled mine sad with bloodshot eyes

"Hey what's up?"

"Amber problems she's so hung up on Iris who doesn't even like her back. I'm not mad at her so much just I wish I could be out with it I'm an idiot"

"Your not your figuring out your feelings and Amber is to soon enough she'll see how great you are" she smiled and looked up at me at last

"Thanks Jonah I really needed to hear that now it's your turn why do you seem so upset?"

I panicked I couldn't just tell her now no way I should but she had enough going on.

"Its not very important"

"I've never seen you cry like this it must be"

"Not now when I'm ready I'll tell you everything I promise"

She pulled me into a tight hug when we pulled away she ruffled my hair and I let out a breathy laugh

"I'm hear Jonah don't forget B.E.E.F" she winked and started to walk in the opposite direction.

I was in a pit of regret Andi and Buffy were so nice to me they didn't even know what the problem was the more the days went by the more I felt like the bad person. To make matters worse the last person I currently wanted to see came running over

"What is it Walker?"

"You ran off and I was worried did Liam say something or?"

"No well yes but ugh I can't even be mad at you because you won't understand"

"Your mad at me? Well tell me I wanna understand because your my friend Jonah"

Friend that word stung more than Liams words more than keeping this secret from Buffy and Andi I couldn't even do anything I just stood there

"Ya know what there is absolute no point explaining it to you I'd be wasting my breath anyways"

"But why Jonah please tell me why"

he gripped my wrist and I looked in his eyes I saw sadness and desperation and I still really lo- like him and I hate that I do because he dosent like me back I know he dosent

"Just let me go please i-i can't"

I got free from his grip and speed walked as fast as I could I turned around to see him walking away in despair.

Walkers POV

Jonah wouldn't talk to me I tried to force him to but he refused he couldn't get away fast enough I looked back at him with worry

What isn't he telling me?

We love a supportive Buffy and  Andi and idk but suddenly Walker is the oblivious one and I told u ppl you would hate me even more well be prepared to hate me but then love me again

Love lj xx

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