•I ain't your girlfriend•

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You ain't my boyfriend I ain't your girlfriend but I don't want you to see nobody else

Andi's POV

I sat in the spoon once again on my phone looking at more pictures of SAVA I was really excited to go it seemed like the best way extend my art and get better. Amber came with my order of baby taters she looked upset like the 2nd time her and Jonah broke up only it was more sad than angry I put down my phone and tried to talk to her

"What's up you look upset"

"It nothing it's really stupid" she looked like she burst into tears it was heart breaking I wanted hug her

"It dosent look like nothing you can tell me I'm bambi remember?" I put my hand on top of hers she went red

"I-its just I kinda had a crush on iris and I asked her if she felt the same way and she said sorry but she doesn't like me like that"

My heart sank I guess I have feelings for the blonde but it doesn't look like she feels that way about me

"Well it's her loss I'll tell ya what whenever your not working we can spend the day together you and me" she smiled and I swear it lit up the room

"I'd really like that thanks. I better go but this felt good to talk about thanks bambi"

We stood up and hugged each other it felt bittersweet I really want to tell her but she's trying to get over a crush it would be to soon. Jonah walked in after Amber returned to work I felt like he would be good to confide in plus if and that's a big IF Amber ever felt the same way I better make sure its not awkward for Jonah

"Jonah over here" I waved at him he sat across from me and gave me a smile

"Hey andiman what's new?"

"I actually wanted to tell you something I um... I have a crush" I admitted starting to regret my decision

"Oh you like Amber"

"Yes I- wait you already know?" I replied to the green eyed boy in shock

"I thought you guys are together I guess not that's a shame"

"I thought you wouldn't want me to see her because she's you ex your know"

"Well we're not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore or whatever we used be... go after whoever you want Andiman don't let me or anyone else stand in the way" he gave me a reassuring smile

"Thanks Jonah your a great friend"

"You would... do the same for me wouldn't You?"

"Well I only ever kind of went out with Walker and you don't even like guys so what's the worry?"

"R-right" his face fell

"Anyways after Buffy dated Walker I would probably freak out if you guys dated even thought that's really unlikey but it's a good thing because I wouldn't be able to stand that kind ok drama"

"Um... okay"

"So should we split these baby taters?"

"I actually have to be somewhere but I'll see you later"

His facial expression was exactly the same as when he started dating Libby that made me nervous what if Jonah asked me that for a reason...

Nah I'm over thinking this he doesn't even like guys

Jonah's POV

I hurried out the spoon I felt weird being around Andi after she said that more of a reason not to come out well to her anyways but I needed to talk to someone because this was eating away at me I didn't know how much longer I could keep this for I quickly took out my phone I knew just the people...

🍋the lemon show+Jonah🍋

Meet me at the Red Rooster asap it's urgent!

O h Andi what am I gonna do with you sorry this chapter is short bois I don't have a legit reason it just is

Love lj xx

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