°seven years old°

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Once I was 7 years old my mama told me go make yourself some friend or you'll be lonely

Walker's POV 


"Hey son" He stepped forward to hug me but I but I stepped back closer to Jonah

"Um... How are you?"

"Okay cut the small talk how'd you know that we'd be hear? who the hell let you in?"

"I did" my mom came through from the kitchen and stood next to him my mind was racing with thoughts she always talked bad about him why did she let him come back? why now? what does he want from us?

"I think Jonah should leave now sweetie don't you?" Er no I can't face him without Jonah here


"It's okay I'll see you tomorrow call me later?"

I nodded and he turned and left I had to fight the urge to hug him the last thing I want is my dad to bombard with questions about Jonah

"Look" My mom started "Sit down in the living room I'll get you something warm to drink and just let him talk for little bit okay"

"No I don't wanna hear anything he has to say what happened to it just being us? we don't need him?"

"I know but you always wanted an explanation and so did I so be nice for me please?"

"Alright" I huffed "I'll give him a chance" 

"Thanks kiddo hey how about we go for something to eat give your mom a little alone time huh? we can talk then" I rolled my eyes but my mom looked desperate so I nodded

I told my dad to go to the spoon so we did and ordered a couple milkshakes. I only went to keep my mom happy I wasn't planning to listen to anything not his excuses or sob story or anything there were time I really needed a dad somethings my mom couldn't do for me or explain I had to learn on my own I didn't need him then I most defiantly do not need him now.

"So you come here often" he started awkwardly trying to make conversation

"This isn't blind date" he let out a breathy laugh 

"I know that just trying to get the ball rolling you get that sense of humour from me ya know"

"Well you haven't been around long enough for me to know so" 

"Walker I'm very sorry look I know how it feels to be-"

"No you don't you have no idea how it feels to be 7 years old asking your mom when your coming where you are or if I can speak to you I missed you so much and it was horrible for my mom I could hear her silently crying at night she had to take on two jobs she was so scared I couldn't do anything to help I was helpless so don't sit their and tell me you know how I feel."

I was livid I couldn't stand the sight of him after what mom went through what I went through he was never a dad to me. He looked guilty like he had tears in his eyes I did practically shout at him but I still didn't feel bad I've been waiting years to put him in his place.

"W-Walker I don't know what to say except I do know how you feel m-my dad your Grandpa used to be abusive he would hurt me and your Grandma and your Aunt will tell you all the same when you were born I didn't have a job the we lived in a small apartment I didn't know what to do I was scared I would turn out a monster like him I didn't want that for you or your mom I know it's no excuse I was cowardly times got tough and I fell apart you're mom is twice the person I'll ever be"

Great now I feel bad.

"Believe it or not you earned a little tiny piece of my sympathy not respect though." we both laughed 

"But I'm a lot better now I work and travel to all these countries and I represent artist and earn a decent bit of money"

"really I love art I actually draw and paint it's literally a passion of mine mom saved up for months to get me whatever I wanted to pursue it we could back and... I could show you"

"That would be amazing I want to be in you're life it was a stupid thing to do and I won't do it again"

"It'll take time to forgive you but I'd love for you to be around more" we both smiled and headed out

Jonah's POV 

"It's crazy Cy he was just standing there"

I once I got home I instantly called Cyrus to video chat I was stressing out more than anything It's like I could feel whatever Walker felt I hoped he was okay he never got sad just angry at his dad and he rarely got angry I was fearful he would do something stupid

"Well I'm sure everything will be okay Walker is a good guy just breathe what about that song you were working on is it finished?"

"Not quite"

"Then work on it for a while take your mind off things now me and Tj are watching are binge watching so I gotta go"

"Oh what show?"

"Fresh prince"

"Oh okay have fun thanks Cyrus for everything your my best friend"

"It's no problem and you're my best friend two later JB"

He hung up I know I can always count on Cyrus for anything and everything but it didn't stop me worrying about Walker I grabbed my guitar and song book and started playing coming up with knew lyrics I hope he likes more than anything I guess when you love someone their opinion matters most.

The next day in the Afternoon

                                                                       "Hey I can't come to the phone right now leave a message"

I was tired of this I've texted Walker and called him he wasn't answering what if something happened? I was gonna head over to his house to see what has up and to get the details on what happened last night. I rang the door bell and Chantelle came to the door.

"Hello Jonah how are you I didn't know you where coming over"

"Yeah sorry about that I was worried Walker didn't answer his phone I was wondering if everything was alright?"

"It's all good you can go up to his room"


I bolted up the stairs and I could hear hear one last time playing through the speakers he has he must be painting something I knocked on the door loud enough for him to hear

"Come in mom"

"It's not mom" I walked in and he turned and greeted me with a smile and kissed my cheek

"Hey how are you?"

"Fine but I called you a bunch of time why didn't you answer?"

"Oh things got eventful last night and I've been working on this all day"

"Can I see?"

"No it's not finished but won't be long"

"Cool... so you're dad what did you talk about"

"He explained to me that things were tough for him growing up he was afraid he'd turn out like his dad so that's why he left I started talking to him more and we actually have a lot in common he represents artists all around the world and travels a lot he's actually pretty cool"

"Oh that's great I'm happy you"

"So you'd be okay if I went up to palm springs to spend the weekend with him?"

"Of course I mean sometimes you hear about some kids that reconnect with their parents and end up moving away that would never happen to us right?"

"no I have school friends my mom and most importantly you I would never pick up and leave just like that"

"Okay" He pecked my lips "Can I at least make you a playlist for the road?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he pulled me in for a tight hug all I now is this will be the hardest weekend of my life.

Love lj xx

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