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The Final Frontier



Classified Document- Formation and major events of USF


Year 2033- The United States of America secretly creates designs for a construction of a moon base under the authority of President Carther and begins their plans recruiting the worlds top professionals


Year 2039- America lunches several space shuttles and lands and begins construction


Year 2040-Russia and China also begin their own development and tensions rise among world leaders


Year 2047- Moon base, Neil 1, is fully operational and the Americans begin to send top selected scientist and military advisers. Russia and China both fail to successfully begin projects due to threat of another World War.


Year 2048, July 23rd 3:21 PM- Scientist Ryan Hope, while collecting samples from tunnels within the moon, stumbles upon an open cavern leading to a massive underground facility.


Year 2048, July 24th – Commanding officer Tommy Carter issues a full lock-down of Neil 1 and gathers all military personal and the top scientists, as well as Hope, to the underground facility.



Year 2048 December 23rd- America sends the technology and information found back to Earth and sent to Area 51 under codename “Black Beauty.


Year 2049 - America has a sudden surge of technology and quickly advances in very field and surpasses all of world becoming Earths Superpower


Year 2055- America designs the First fully functional plasma rifle as well as the Acceleration Engine, which uses newly found particles called Clytons which have the ability to manipulate physics and travels to unlimited speeds such as one hundred times the speed of light. But have an adverse side effect on humans if taken to such extremes.


Year 2074- Earth, now united under America, creates the United Space Federation or USF, with Earth as it's home-world. At the same time sending it's newly crafted massive Space fleet, which included 12 Drift,5 Orbital and 1 Titan class cruiser named The Armada, to planet Pluto to investigate the jump gate.


Year 2076, June 21st- USF space fleet, commanded by Tommy Carter , arrives and discovers the ancient jump station as described in the facility near Neil 1, nicknamed “Ton” Upon boarding the station they discovered it was deserted and reactivate it via the control mainframe. USF command gives the okay to use the station and discover what lied beyond.


2076, June 21st 1:11:33 AM- The Stations systems activated and transported the fleet to an unknown location. Contact was lost with the Fleet and the station automatically shutdown, every attempt to reactivate the station was futile.


2134- The USF have terraformed most of the planets in the solar system and advances in technology kept occurring as we kept expanding the human intelligence Further. The Jump station ,Ton, has been kept under heavy protection at all times.


2135, October 14th- Ton suddenly began to reactivate and the ships of The Armada reappeared coming out of hyperspace. Many of the ships were in pieces and torn apart. Only the Titan class cruiser was left in maintainable condition, but still heavily damaged. Contact with the ship only ended with silence. It was decided to the board escape ship and gather the remaining survivors. Captain Jack Morn lead the extraction of the Cruiser.




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