Thirty-Four.......May's Wedding

Start from the beginning

"That's if he knows.", I mumbled but she heard.
"What! You didn't tell him you're pregnant with his child!", she whisper-yelled and clapped her mouth shut like she had actually yelled.

Then she shook her head as if shaking a thought away.
"You know what Riley, because you're my best friend and I know I didn't have you as my best friend 'cause you're dumb, I'm gonna go along with this, but where are you gonna go?", she asked.

"Um I don't want to tell you", I said. I actually didn't know where I was gonna go.
"Okay, I know you don't have a place in mind yet, but whatever you do, please don't be hard on yourself and don't be hard on Ansel either. You can talk to him before you go or something, just don't go with all that pain in your heart thinking you're gonna get fine.", she said and hugged me.

It felt really good to share this with someone. Now the pain didn't hurt as much as before.

"When did you get so wise?", I asked.
"Since when I realised I was the one who was gonna be giving the pep talk to my married friend who I thought would be giving me the pep talk since I'm the one getting married tomorrow.", she said and we both laughed.

We talked a little before we slept with me thinking of how I was gonna face Ansel tomorrow.

Soon, we were all getting ready. May was jittery in her gown and we the bridesmaids had the task of calming her down. She was so nervous.

Luckily, her dad came and whatever he said to her was so much better than whatever we had said because she was as calm as still water.

The wedding at the church went well and now we were at the reception and my mind quickly darted back to my wedding. I remember how sad I was.

If I had known Ansel had paid Brayden to leave would I still have married him?

I was interrupted when the bridesmaids and groomsmen at our table started leaving. Meaning it was only Ansel and I left at the table. They had all gone dancing.

I hadn't said a word to him since I arrived. I only looked at him a few times just to look away since he was looking at me.

He cleared his throat but I still focused my attention on my phone. I was reading a book I had no interest in, I didn't know why.

"Um, w... would you like to dance?", he asked and for the first time I actually looked at him. He was looking back with a pleading look and I just didn't know how to decline so I nodded and he led me to the dance floor.

A slow music was playing so I put my hand on his shoulders as his rested comfortably on my waist. The feeling it brought to me was very familiar.

I looked anywhere but his eyes. I was trying to build up the willpower to tell him.

"I have to tell you something.", we both said.
"You first", he said.

"I will be travelling tomorrow.", I started still not looking at him. Then I continued. "Don't call me or text me. I'm leaving 'cause I need to take a break and some time away from all this.", I said.

"What will I tell your family when they ask?", he asked after a while.
"Tell them whatever you want, even if it's a lie. I'm sure they'll believe you since you're good at deceiving people.", I said and a question came into my head. This was my only chance to ask.

"Riley I didn't want to.....",
"One question", I started, interrupting him. "What did you tell Kane and Allister to do for you?", I asked.

I don't know why I did, but I wanted to know since he didn't give me a proper answer the last time I asked.

"Don't lie, just tell me the truth", I said in a small voice with a pleading look in my eyes as I looked directly into his.

"I told them to make sure... Brayden didn't come back here.", he said quietly and at that moment the music stopped and I felt nothing but a fresh pain. Like he took a knife at pierced it deeply into my heart.

I looked at him, a tear threatening to spill. Since I didn't know what to say I left without a word. I know I had promised May I would stay throughout the wedding but I just couldn't. I couldn't go and sit beside him anymore pretending everything was fine.

I got into my car and left, straight to the hotel. I sent a quick text to May apologizing and telling her I had gone.

A day later and I was on a plane to Manchester. I had booked a flight and a hotel there too. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know what I was going there to do but I sure hell knew I had to leave here.

Hey guys so I just couldn't help but notice May's positive analysis. Who here is on her side about this whole issue, because I kinda am.✋

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The Sparkling Authoress

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