Mr Know It All

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Hi people this is my first time ever publishing stuff I know you might have heard this a thousand times already but Ill still say it. Your opinion is the best feedback I can get. Please comment and write back to me.

Wondering what to do on your one day off in five years is not a good sign. Goes to prove that you've worked yourself into the ground and desperately need a break.

In this life we are all just walking up the mountain amd we can sing as we climb or we can complain about our sore feet. Whichever we choose we still gotta do the hike. I decided a long time ago that singing made a lot more sense.....

But singing all the way didn't mean that I wouldn't take a break. I didnt want a sore throat. So I became pragmatic but also remained blithe and insouciant. Whats life without a little spontaniety?. I didnt want to become an alabaster statue.

My nose was buried inside my phone screen just as I ran smackdab into a hard chest. Sweaty I might add but still strangely fragrant of spice. I looked up and I was captivated. A pair of brilliant amber eyes with brown flecks stared back at me. It was as if the breath had been knocked out of my lungs
Uh yeah it had been knocked out ........stop staring u have an IQ of 150 use it!
My snarky inner voice chose just the right moment to pipe up didnt it?

"Um Im sorry I didn't see you com-" my rambling was cut short when I saw the fierce scowl on his face "Did I kill your puppy that you're glaring at me?" Man what is wrong with my filter

"You may not have killed my puppy but you slaughtered my train of thought for sure. Go back to your trailer sweetheart before your band of hippies camps out here."
Wait what?! He did not just say that to me. Oh bring it on. What a self centred egotistical pompous idiot!

"For starters calling me trailer thrash is just too old school I've heard better you may want to try again. On second thought don't. My temper's a little volatile. Who do you think you are going about judging people without taking a long hard look at yourself?"

"Others do enough of that for me. I dont need to look at what I know is good. And I'm Dominic. Im a lawyer I've been trained to judge people from a mile away so if that answers your question you should move out of my way."
The sheer audacity! I was standing there struggling to form words when I felt a pair of hands pick me up as if I weighed nothing and deposit me on the side of the pathway.
"You-" I started to speak but the words died in my throat when my eyes were locked in a steely gaze with his. None of us ready to concede ground. Clearing my throat I tried again "You should watch how you speak to people. It may come to stab you in the back when you least know it"
Is he waiting here for your highly anticipated philosphy lecture?! Thats the best you could come up with?!
He snorted and started to run again when he abruptly stopped and looked back. I was still standing in the same spot rooted to the ground.

"Though I have to admit-I thought I'd seen all the ways to get a covert touch but banging into me well thats quite the classic"
With that parting sentence he started to run again leaving me with my mouth slightly open and my mind sorely rattled. My phone rang again and as I started to talk to William I put this incident in the recesses of my mind to be analyzed later. I wouldve never thought that later might be sooner than I had hoped

Hello again i know this chapter might be a little small but its just one incident that was necessary for my story to the way i planned it. I hope you comment and get back to me id love for a chance to hear your thoughts on this one people

The song for this chapter would be Mr.Know It All by Kelly Clarkson

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it, ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something 'bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow
Mr. Bring Me Down
Well ya, ya like to bring me down, don't you?
But I ain't laying down, baby, I ain't goin' down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby, you should know that I lead not follow
Thanks again-searching1

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