Kuan came forward, "Boss, shall we dig the truth out of him? We have the device..."

"Bring it out."

"What?! Are you going to hurt me?" Dylan moved trying to set himself free.

Shen Yue gave him a cunning smile. "We don't inflict pain on people anymore. We give them joy and pleasure until they tell the truth."

"What the fa?"

"Language, Wang He Di. Foul language is a thing of the past."

Dylan could not believe his ears. What kind of a triad does not curse others?

The boys brought out what seemed to be a foot massager. Xi Ze removed Dylan's shoes and socks. "My God! Don't you wash your feet?" Dylan's ears turned red.

Kuan taped 2 sticky pads underneath the soles of his feet.

"Is this a foot massager?" Dylan asked incredulously. "This is hilarious!"

Shen Yue raised her eyebrow. "It is better than that. Turn on the device."

Immediately, Dylan started laughing.

"No! Stop it!! It's ticklish. This is stupid. Hahahahaha!!"

"Tell us what you are doing here and we will let you go." Shen Yue commanded.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Can....not...talk...hahaha!!.....I don't even know..haha huhuhu... what's happening."

"Turn it on one level up!"

Dylan's laughter amplified and he was rolling on the ground.

"If this is your way...hahahaha... to get the truth out, it is working!!! Hahahahaha!! But I have....hahaha....nothing to tell you. Hahahahahaha!!" tears started to come out of his eyes.

Shen Yue was getting crossed.

"Wu Xi Ze!! Why is he laughing like that? The ones before were always either crying for us to let them go or they were just squirming. Is the device working properly?"

Xi Ze And Kuan shrugged their shoulders.

"We should ditch the device and go for the truth serum next time," muttered Kuan. Shen Yue gave him a death stare.

Just then, one of the other boys burst into the room.

"Boss!! We are surrounded! It's the Moon Shadow triad from Shanghai!"

"Shit! I mean, bummer. Did you expose our location, Wang He Di?"

"NOOO... haha..hmmprhh!!" Dylan was trying to control his laughter but the more he did it, the more cramps he got. He curled up in a fetal position to relieve the ticklish sensation.

Shen Yue turned to the boys. "Xi Ze, you hold off the boys. Kuan, remove the device from him. We need him. It's no longer safe to stay here. You know what to do for last resort."

The door burst open and a bunch of dark clothed guys came running in with batons in their hands. Dylan watched in amazement as Xi Ze, and Shen Yue fought the guys off. This Yue could kick and punch a guy, sending him flying across the room. Their coats were flying all over but still intact with their bodies. It was like watching John Woo's film in slow motion. Dylan blinked. Is this real?

Kuan grabbed Dylan and removed the device from him. "Kuan, untie me! I can fight!"

Kuan glared at him "I don't have the order to do that."

"Come on, you idiot! You need help. Use common sense!"

Kuan took one look at him and joined the others in the fight. There were about twenty of them fighting a few of them.

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