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In a short period of time Delilah's hormones were officially out of control. The young woman would be laughing one minute then sobbing the next.

As Bucky watched Delilah cry as she ate a chocolate glazed donut dipped in strawberry sauce and topped with rainbow sprinkles, he wasn't sure if he should go and comfort her, not that he knew how. Her cries echoed through the small apartment.

Then just when Bucky thought the crying couldn't get any worse Delilah dropped a piece of donut onto the cold tile. The red head looked at Bucky with tears streaked down her pale cheeks.

"Del.." Bucky started softly knowing the waterworks show was about to start.

"I DROPPED MY DAMN DONUT!" Delilah cried.

Bucky has enough.

"It was only a piece doll."

At this point the two has progressed to screaming while laughing as Delilah's tears had (thankfully) come to a stop.

Laughing Delilah pouted as Bucky snorted at her antics.

"I'll just have you get me another one." Delilah triumphantly smirked at Buckys deadpanned reaction.

"Yeah I don't think so love." The ex HYDRA soldier started slowly walking towards the younger girl who just was laughing. As she laughed Bucky noticed she held onto her belly as if it would just disappear.

Snaking his arms around Delilah, Bucky decided to push some limits. His long fingers found their way grazing Delilah's waist.

A squeak escaped Delilah's lips as her face resembled a tomato.
"James stop it!" Delilah laughed as Bucky continued to hold her down as he tickled her.

"I'm sorry what I can't hear you over all that laughter. Y'know my hearing isn't the best anymore." Bucky teased.

"Please stop I can't breathe!" The redhead squealed as the tickling did not commence.

Right as Bucky went to respond, the apartment door opened and in walked a mortified Steve and friends.

"Oh yeah worlds most deadly assassin."


It was awkward. The silence that lingered throughout the apartment as the adults sat on the couch starring at each other.

"You just can't help yourself can you?" The woman known as Natasha spoke first.
"Who me?" Steve pointed to himself. "Yes you. Do you enjoy picking up strays off the streets or what?" Natasha snorted.

"I'm not a stray." Delilah spoke up feeling insecure. She didn't want to be a stray or some charity case. But living with Steve and Bucky was the best thing at the moment. Especially for her unborn child.

"Also actually I've known Stevie here the longest." Bucky raised his hand earning a snort from Bruce Banner who also came.

"Speaking of that Barnes. How did you break HYDRA'S spell. I'm pretty sure Rogers here didn't kiss you." Natasha asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh you know, a helicopter fell on me."

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