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Starting to panic both men didn't know what to do. "Should we take her to the hospital?" Bucky asked but Steve shook his head no.

"I have a friend who can probably figure this out."


"Why the hell did you think I could figure this out?! I'm a scientist not a doctor!" Bruce Banner yelled at his friend Steve Rogers as he brought to him a passed out young adult who happened to be pregnant to the Avengers Tower.

"You are smart and I kinda panicked okay!"

"Goodness Steve, you usually are not this freaking stupid!" Bruce rubbed his face and turned back to the girl who was on a table hooked up to an ivy of sugared water.

"Who even is she?" Bruce asked as he took her heart beat. Steve shrugged. "Just some girl working at subway."

"Of course she is." Bruce scoffed earning a look from Bucky.
"It's not like we purposely chose her and hoped she fucking pass out." Bucky snapped.

"Chill I was be sarcastic." Bruce sassed back as he was clearly tired from work.

Bucky just rolls his eyes while Steve just shook his head. "Did you find who she is yet?" He asked Bruce as he took the girls DNA and put it in some program that finds people and their information, Tony Stark stole it from SHEILD and put it in the Avengers tower.

"Uhh.." Bruce said as he read the computer screen. "It says here that her name is Delilah Martin, Uh no middle name but she is nineteen and the daughter of Aubrey Martin." Bruce continued to scroll through the given information. "No father and no other siblings. Hey how'd you know she was pregnant?" Bruce asked Bucky who just scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well uh back when I was just a kid, my ma was a nurse and I thought I'd wanted to be a doctor so she taught me how to detect some signs of pregnancy." Bucky explained.

Bruce hummed in agreement. "That's cool."
"I thought you wanted to be a Pilot?" Steve asked making Bucky shrug his shoulders, "I wanted to be a lot of things."

"Okay well getting back to pregnant random girl we should probably contact her mother." Bruce said.

"I wouldn't." Bucky advised causing the other men to look at him oddly.
"Why not Buck? It's her mother she should know." Steve made a point but something in Bucky's head told him not to call the mother.

"Well she obviously just got pregnant. Her mother most likely doesn't know as it's too soon to guarantee the baby will live, let alone she probably doesn't want to get an abortion or she would have already". Bucky said causing the two men to become wide eyed.

"So you think we should not call a mother about her child?" Bruce said making Bucky nod. "Does she have a what you call it the mobile thingy?"
"A cell phone?" Bruce asked? Nodding Bucky spoke "Yeah go through it and see if there's like a boyfriend or someone she might have told."

"How did you think of that?" Steve asked Bucky. "HYDRA trained me to be through and examine everything.."

With that the two best friends left it at that.

Watching Bruce as he pats the girl awkwardly and he finds a phone. Taking her thumb Bruce opens the phone and the device is his.

"The only good thing about thumb print passcodes, that they are very easy to crack." Bruce said with a small chuckle as he went through the girls contacts, messages and calls.

After a couple of minutes of searching Bruce shook his head no.
"Nothing. Zippo, the girl is clean. She is definitely keeping the baby to herself." Bruce confirmed.

"Well what do we then?"

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