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Delilah was now two months along. Besides looking  like she ate four hundred bags of Taco Bell and was growing a small food baby,Delilah was happy as a pig in shit with everything.

Taking two jobs to help support herself, Steve helped tremendously. The small redhead still didn't know what he did for a job but was thankful it was a good amount to help support the apartment.

Bucky he didn't have a job but he stayed and helped Delilah around the house, while she helped him when she wasn't working of course.

"What time do you get off work so I know to pick you up?" Steve asked Delilah as he pretended not to be busy when in reality he was disposed to be at the Avengers tower a half hour ago.

He NEEDED Delilah to just go to work.
"Nine if that's not too late." Delilah said with a soft smile, sincerity lacing her voice.

It wasn't late at all, Steve had training until ten with Natasha and the rest as they were preparing for a mission.
He'd just have to tell them something came up.

"I can pick her up." Bucky spoke up softly knowing Steve's schedule for the night.

"Buck I-"
"I'll be fine Steve.. it will be good for me." Bucky said as he starred at Delilah who was gathering her last bit of things she needed for work.

"Are you sure?"


The end of her shift couldn't have come quicker. Sighing Delilah smiled when she saw Bucky walk into the Whole Foods store as she was closing.

"Sorry we are closed.." Delilah teased causing Bucky to shake his head. "Are you ready to go?" He politely asked the red head. Delilah nodded and grabbed her backpack.
"Get me out of here!" Delilah laughed making Bucky smile at her laugh. He swears her laugh could achieve world peace.

As the two walked back to the apartment as Bucky didn't have a car or a license. As the city's night life echoed through out the alleyways and streets, the two walked next to each other, ever so often their hands would touch but no one made a move.

"Shit!" Delilah suddenly stopped in her tracks. Bucky looked at her with alarm all over his face.
"What wrong?!" He asks taking in his surroundings. He didn't like standing in he open. It made him nervous.

"My mom is over there, in line for the night club... ew." Delilah pointed out her mother but shook her head in disgust at the thought of what her mother could possibly be doing.

"Here, down this alley, I know a easy around." With that Bucky took Delilah's hand and they walked down the alley that was located on their left.

Walking down a group of four men came out of the shadows and quickly surrounded the pair.

"Uh Bucky..." Delilah whimpered as she held on tighter to his hand.
"Do as I say." Bucky's sweet soft voice was now replaced with a gruff war like general. All Delilah could do was but nod.

"Aw cute isn't she boys, but hey how 'bout you share all that sweet sweet sugar that's hangin' on 'yer hand." A dark haired man with tattoos and booze on his breathe stumble forward, lust clear in his eyes.

"Yeah I don't think so." With that Bucky let go of Delilah and punched the man with his covered arm automatically knocking him out. The three other men attacked. One grabbed Delilah and started to drag her away. Screaming and thrashing tears leaked from her eyes as she struggled to get away. One by one Delilah saw Bucky knock out each male with one to two punches and Bucky himself not even flinch.

Grabbing the man who had Delilah in his arms, Bucky smashed the male head into a metal dumpster that was near by. As Delilah backed away finally free she just stood their shaking and crying as she watched Bucky repeatedly smash the mans head into the metal dumpster.

"Bucky!" She yelled causing him to stop and the male dropped most likely dead to the ground.

Standing panting stood Bucky starring at Delilah with sadness as he sees hers filled with fear.
"Don't touch me!"

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