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Daniel gripped the bedding beneath him, the sound of the bed creaking and faint moans from both himself and the male on top of him drowned out by his bad memories from not long ago. He had tears starting to form in his eyes, not because of the male on top of him, but because of the one who took advantage of him. He remembered how much it hurt, the throbbing in his head after it hit the wall. Daniel tried not to cry and softly shook his head as he focused on the now blurry blonde above him. He liked Evan, he had for a long time, and yet watching him Daniel found himself start to get sick from him. He found hate start to bubble in his gut and chest. Hate for himself, for Evan, and for the male who ruined his life.

Two years later
Senior year

Daniel stood behind the school, rubbing his mouth with his sleeve while he watched the male in front of him zip up his pants and drop a five dollar bill in the dying grass. What was his name? Daniel couldn't even remember... nor could he care to. He knelt down and grabbed the bill, far from crisp. It had wrinkles and a few tears in it. His tongue lapped over his bottom lip as he pulled out his wallet while heading back into the school through the heavy side door. He walked down the now nearly empty halls until he found the locker he found himself often going to. He slipped two dollars in through the slots of the locker before pushing his wallet back in the back pocket of his skinny jeans. He looked down the hall as he started going back to his own locker so he could finally go home before he froze. His brows furrowed at the sight of an all to familiar face, with blonde hair looking annoyingly soft. He almost felt sick looking at him. He snickered at the thought of just walking up and vomiting on him but figured he probably shouldn't. Despite not feeling all that confident at the moment he stood up straight and put on a smirk, with a hint of annoyance on his face while he strutted over and started opening his locker, ignoring Evan's existence while he pulled his bag out. He heard an annoyed sigh come from behind the door of his opened locker and he just continued to ignore him when suddenly his locker slammed shut. Daniel helped and dropped his book bag, it barely missing his foot. After a moment of coming down from surprise his cheeks puffed out and his brows furrowed as he looked up at Evan who just frowned. Though Daniel could still see amusement in his eyes at Daniel's own expense.

"What do you want Evan?"

"We have a project we have to work on, remember?"

He said, voice thick with annoyance. Daniel rolled his eyes and picked his bag back up, throwing it over his shoulder while pushing the curls that had fallen out of his short ponytail back behind his ear.

"Well I mean you're smart... kind of. Can't you just do it yourself. I'm pretty dumb so if I help you will probably just get a worse grade."

He said while walking past Evan. Actually in his freshman year he had already been on track for a scholar ship, but all of that was ruined after rumors started spreading and after a while he just stopped caring. Speaking of stopped, Daniel stumbled back a bit as he felt a tug from behind. He looked back with a pout, Evan holding onto the hood of his crop top hoodie so he couldn't move any father. Daniel didn't even try to over power him and pull away because he was 5'2 and weighed about a hundred and six pounds, while Evan was around 6'1.

"You're helping me with the project."

Daniel groaned and rolled his eyes again, turning to face him completely while crossing his arms, a look of absolute annoyance covering his face.

"Fucking fine. But we are either doing it at your place or a cafe, because my house is not an option. So it's either one of the other two or we just don't do the project at all."

He hoped Evan would say not at all but he knew it was unlikely because he had stupidly given him two perfectly good options.

"My place. If we go to a cafe it will be to distracting."

Daniel smirked and quirked and eyebrow.

"You sure that's why? Are you sure you don't just wanna have some alone time with little old me?"

He said, trying to annoy him into dropping the project and doing it himself

"Daniel If I slept with you I'd pretty much be sleeping with the entire school. And besides that I'm with Tyler and we are very happy together."

"Ya, Tyler's really happy, In the back of Micheal Anderson's mustang."

Evan's glare hardened and Daniel through his hands up in defense.

"Don't dish it if you can't take it Blondie."

"Don't call me Blondie."

Evan said harshly, his fists tightening. Daniel was tempted to continue annoying him, but he figured that was enough for now since he didn't need Evan punching him. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine! Let's go to your stupid house and do the stupid project but don't expect me to help any. I'm just gonna sit there and let you do all the work."

He said, following Evan to the nearly empty school parking lot.

"Like hell you are."

Daniel sighed and got into the passengers side of the car, buckling in and waiting for Evan to adjust his mirrors which seemed to take forever. Finally when they started driving while Evan pulled out of the parking lot, he almost immediately ran a red light, another car having to slam on its breaks so it didn't hit them. Daniel tensed and glared over at him as the sound of the car speeding down the road filled his senses.

"You are a terrible driver!"

He yelled, panic still filling his chest. Evan only smirked at that, not even looking over.

"At least I actually have a license."

They continued to bicker like this all the way up until Evan's house came into view. They lived in a small town. A small town with mostly rich people. Evan's family was no exception. He Glowered at the familiar two story house. He had only been there once before, and had never really gotten a good look because he was to busy removing his clothes. The house was two story with an attic, obviously very nice and well taken care of. The home was white with a grey roof and grey accents, there were plenty of windows and the landscape outside of the house was beautiful. Daniel only hated him more. Evan seemed to have everything while Daniel had nothing,

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