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"You're a good girl and you know it,

You act so different around me."

-Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake

Ashton leaned over the table that had blueprints scattered across them. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, so," he paused, "This the layout of the building, but the access to the vault is limited so we only have a brief window of time of when we can get in, get the money, then get out of there."

"Yeah but, if there's this exit here," Luke says, gesturing to a point on the layout, "Then why can't we just go through here, down the maintenance elevator shaft to the lower levels?"

"No, no, that door has a silent alarm attached to it, we storm in without a code and the cops get called. We can't just waltz in an steal the money." Ashton sighed.

Luke and Ashton started arguing over who had a better plan before Michael spoke up, "Have you guys actually been to the building? There's only a tiny alleyway separating the bank and the building behind it, you could jump between the two from the roof."

"So?" Ashton scoffed.

"Two assemble on the opposite roof, jump across and enter through the bank roof hatch and disable the security. Three more storm into the building - because the alarm has been disengaged the police won't be automatically called. The two from the roof will go down to the foyer and hold everyone at gunpoint and then the other three go down to the vault, get in, get the money and then all of us get the hell out of there." Michael shrugged, like it was the most simple thing ever.

"Well, it seems like you've got that sorted. Unless anyone else has a better plan, we'll use that." Luke said.

Calum nor Violet had said anything the whole time and no one else had a better plan so they agreed on Michaels.

"Right, so, Three going into the building - Luke and Ashton, you're definitely doing that, I'm not because I'm going to the roof to disable the security, Violet can do that with me and Calum can go with Luke and Ashton."

"What?" Calum spoke up, "As if, I'm just as good as you at hacking, I'm coming on the roof with you."

"No, Violet stays with me. You go with Luke and Ash."

"We'll take care of her. Let Calum go on the roof with you, Michael." Ashton said.

"No, no, She's staying with me. I didn't want her to do this in the first place so if she is going to do it, I'm going to make sure she stays safe."

"Michael, I appreciate your concern but I decided to do this and I can take care of myself. If something happens Luke and Ash can protect me. Nothing will happen though, we'll be careful." Violet groaned, crossing her arms across her chest.

Michael sighed, "Okay. Fine. But I swear, Violet, if anything happens to you-"

"Nothing will happen. I'll be fine."

"I'm on the roof then." Calum said.

"You know what? Fine. Fine! But you better look after her, Ashton. If anything happens to her, anything, I'll make your life hell." Michael growled.

"Wha- Hold up! Don't blame this on me, she's just as much Lukes responsibility as she is mine!" Ashton said.

"I don't care! Just look after her, for fucks sake." Michael groaned.

Calum picked up a sniper and called Ashton over, saying something about adding a silencer. Luke followed closely behind Ashton because the two were joined at the hip and one didn't go anywhere without the other. Violet was leaning over the table looking at prints, making the exits with a red highlighter.

Robbers » Punk Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now