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“Cause you're a good girl

 And you know it.” 

-Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake

The wind whipped past Violet, tangling into her hair and causing a deep chill to set in her bones. She clung tighter onto Michael as he weaved in and out of traffic on his Harley Davidson that she was situated on the back off. After much whining and pouting, Michael had convinced her to come riding with him and she very reluctantly agreed. He practically had to drag her to the motorcycle.

She lived in Northbridge, near the city, but he was driving to the North side of Sydney; which was the nicest part of Sydney. This was one of the most invigorating experiences of Violets life, with the wind rushing, the sun shining and the roar of the engine; Violet couldn’t have felt more alive.

They were on Violets favourite stretch of road in Sydney. Once you got past Hornsby Heights the road curved and snaked in unpredictable places and in a car it was fun to drive on, so on Michaels bike it was a whole new experience. They drove up to Brooklyn, the northern-most part of Sydney and pulled up outside a run down looking factory.

Michael hopped off, taking his helmet off and then helping Violet with hers. He smiled before grabbing her hand and guiding her down from the bike.

“Are you okay? Was that okay? Did I do too fast? Oh, no, I scared you didn’t I?” He asked all in one breath.

“No, no, it was really fun. I had fun. I’d like to do it again.” She smiled reassuringly.

“Okay, good. That’s good.” He took a deep breath, “Are you ready?”

“Michael, I’m just meeting your friends, right? It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Yeah, I mean, well, it’s just they’re very different from most people.”

“How so?”

“Look, I don’t want to worry you but-”

She cut him off, “But what?”

“They’re nice guys,” He said softly, “I just don’t want to scare you.”

Violet looked at him expectantly, “Michael, what are you not telling me?”

He had a very tight expression as he sighed and shook his head, “They have a history, Violet. Criminal records.”



“How serious?” She asked quietly.

“Nothing too serious.”

“Well, I mean, I used to steal stuff when I was like, fifteen? Or was it fourteen?”

He let out a breathy laugh, “You? Stealing? Violet as if,” He grinned, “You’re a good girl, and you know it.”

“A girl’s gotta eat, man.”

Michael gave a questioning look and Violet just gave it a dismissive wave of her hand. He pulled her into his side and walked up to large steel door to the side of the building. He just pushed the door open, no key or anything, and strolled in. He let out a high pitch whistle and then looked around.

“Aye! Mikey!” Someone yelled, “Guys, Mikey’s here!”

Two more voices joined in, yelling over each other and it sounded something like, “Michael, mate, where’ve you been?

Robbers » Punk Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now