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"You act so different around me."

-Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake

Violet and Michael were now sitting on top of the headland on the Northern Beaches, overlooking the sea and listening to the crash of the waves. Michael had taken Violet here after they left the warehouse where he lived with the other boys. If Violet was being honest, she wasn't sure why she had spent the whole day with Michael considering she knew virtually nothing about the boy. For all she knew, Michael and his gang of friends could have been robbers, car hijackers to something even worse. The joke was on Violet though, because that's exactly what they were. They actually were a gang, they were robbers, they were car hijackers, but worst of all - Calum had actually killed people before. Taken peoples lives. Of course, Violet didn't know this yet.

Michael had just said some lame pickup line, which made Violet laugh. A loud and carefree laugh that brought a goofy grin to Michaels lips. Violet's legs swung back and forth over the edge of the cliff, she knew it wasn't a good idea to sit this close but when she was around Michael something in her made her feel a little bit more rebellious and gave her a little bit more courage.

To any passer-by, they would've looked like the perfect couple. Laughing, relaxed and so at ease in each others company. But, they weren't dating, nor would they if Michael had his way. He lived too much of a crazy and dangerous lifestyle that he didn't want the people he cared about getting hurt because of it. That's why all four boys had made the choice long ago, to abandon their families and virtually everyone that they cared about so that they could join the 'lifestyle'. Except all the boys had different stories about why they had become criminals.

Michael lent over and kept trying to kiss Violet, she just laughed it off and pushed him away whilst her hair fell all across her face. He was being annoying, but in a cute way. Kept trying to kiss her, tickle her and was poking her sides all the time.

"Michael!" She shrieked, a complete giggling mess, "We are on a cliff! I will fall and die! Stop!"

"But I wanna kiss you." He sang-song.

"Is that all this is about?" She laughed, "Just trying to get into my pants?"

He joined into her laugher, "Little bit."

That just made her laugh more.

"You're nice though too, Violet."

"Gee, thanks, Michael."

"So, What's your story?"

Violets laughing had stopped she was just looking at him with a lazy smile, "What do you mean?"

"You know," He laughed, "Your story. Like where you came from and your high school experience. All that stupid stuff. I know nothing about you."

"As if you care. You just want to have sex with me."

"Well, yeah I do, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Whatever, Michael." She rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, don't be a spoiled sport. Let's play 20 questions."

She groaned but then laughed, "Okay, fine."

"What's your full name?" He grinned.

"Violet Faith Hunter. Yours?"

"Michael Gordon Clifford." He laughed and buried his face in his hands.

"No, Don't be embarrassed! It's cute."

He just laughed more, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Age?"

"I'm 18. Finished school a few months ago," Violet answered with a huge grin, "You look older than me, how old are you?"

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