I Do

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Two months go by, full of ups and downs, stressful and sleepless nights and constant worry but it was finally the day, the day Cas and Dean get married. Thankfully gay marriage was still legal.

The night before the wedding day Cas stayed the night with Cally and Dean stayed at home. Cas wanted to have his best friend to help him prepare for the ceremony.

Cas wakes up at a daunting 7 AM and rubs his eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled to himself before jumping up to get Cally. Cas had never been this nervous in his life but he was ready, he was so ready that he started getting dressed before Cally had even gotten out of bed.

15 minutes had passed of Cas putting on his tux and messing with his hair, he was getting increasingly frustrated as he kept messing with it up until Cally walked in, she smiled at him as she stood in the doorway unnoticed

"would you like some help?" she giggled

Cas sighed and threw his hands down on the counter "I'd love some actually"

Cally walked over behind Cas in the mirror, pushed him over and got out a big pot of hair gel and stuck her hands in it smearing them together and rubbing them all over his head. Cas groaned and whined as she worked

"oh my god you're worse than a baby Cas it's not that bad" when she finished she turned him to look at himself and he smiled

"You like it?" she asked

"I do" Cas blushed

"oooo puns I like it" Cally laughed.

"I think your hair looks great, it's like... Messy sleek." Cas giggled

"as long as you think I look okay then I don't care, I have no fashion sense "

Cally frowned "you do, you picked this tux didn't you?" she said pulling down on his collars making him groan

"yes I did," Cas said smiling

She smirked "see, fashion sense"

Cas sighed loudly and face planted on the bed

"you okay?," Cally asked calmly sitting down on the bed beside him and placing her hand on his back 

"mmhm" Cas groaned "just stressed"

Cally smiled "everything's going to be fine Cas"

Cally told him she'd give him some time and went to the kitchen to call Dean without Cas knowing. When Dean answered he sounded more nervous then she had ever heard him in her life

"hey Dean, you okay?"

Dean chuckled "yeah I think so, is Cas okay"

She smiled and poured some cereal "of course he's okay, he's beyond happy he's just so nervous he can't show it properly"

"well then I guess we're both just train wrecks today" Dean giggled

"everything's going to be fine, I promise"

Dean giggled "I hope. Well as long as he's ready and doing okay then I guess we can do this any time then"

"I think we should do it around 10" Cas and Dean didn't want a normal wedding they didn't want to have it mid-day and the didn't want to wait until a weekend. They wanted to get married on a Thursday and they weren't sure why they just did. And luckily for them September 13th landed on a Thursday. They also didn't want many guests and they didn't have many just close friends and any family that decided to actually show up

Dean gasped "S-sounds good"

"is that okay?" Cally chuckled

"yes, yes! I'm just nervous"

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