Will You?

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A year and a half had passed since Dean was last in the hospital, and they both learned about Lizzy. Dean was still working his normal jobs only with Cas by his side now. He taught Cas how to work on things such as motorcycles and cars. They combined their money and almost completely refurbished Cas' flat and Dean couldn't be happier. Cas was cooking when Dean swung the door open, too violently as always.



Cas giggled at the sight of Dean trying to walk with a giant plant in his arms. Cas ran over, took it from him and sat it down

"what is this for?"

Dean leaned against the wall to catch his breath.


Cas giggled "okay, haha. Want some macaroni?"

Dean coughed "of course"

Cas smiled and walked to the kitchen to get them some food

"we need to go shopping later, Dean" 

Dean sighed "I'm so tired" he whined 

"unless you want to live off of macaroni" Cas giggled 

Dean smiled "nah, I love showing off your cooking skills"

"to who?"

he was quiet for a moment "...me"

Cas finished his bowl and walked over to the sink "eat faster, Dean. We need to go"


"Dean, we already have enough chips at home" Cas smiled at him lovingly 

"But they're burger flavored Cas!!"

"okay fine." Cas said finally, with a contagious smile 

Dean tossed the bag in the cart "what?"

"im just happy"


Cas smiled at the floor "life" Dean walked over to Cas and hugged him so tightly Cas squeaked 

"Well good, Mr. Winchester" Dean whispered 


Dean smirked and took the cart from Cas "come on! we got food to buy"

Cas looked confused and rubbed his eyes as he followed Dean 

"is this all?...Cas.."

Dean had to snap Cas out of his trance as he stared at a box of cereal on the shelf 


"Oh, yeah. Thats all. We have the rest at home"


Dean and Cas finished putting the groceries up at home 

"what do you want to eat Dean?

"Cas, what do I normally say to that question?"

"That you want whatever I want"

"uh, huh. I want that"

Cas laughed "you're too nice to me"

"no no. You're too perfect "

"That's bullshit. Dean"

"is it?" Dean said as he flopped on the couch with a beer in his hand

"hey Cas"

Cas looked up from cutting a pepper 

".. yes?

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