Oh No

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That night Cas slept in an empty patient room supplied by Tate. He woke up the next morning to a bright beam of sunlight peeking through the window shinning right in his face, he rubbed his eyes and stretched as he sat up in the bed thinking about how today might go for him, he hoped it would go well. Cas sat there for a few minutes thinking, thinking about Dean and Lizzy, Brad from outside, Reign from the waiting room. Cas had too many memories at this hospital and he just wanted to grab Dean's hand and run, but he was stuck here until Dean got better, no matter what he wasn't leaving him.

He got up and walked over to a chair in the corner of the room which had magazines and news papers in it, he looked through them until he found a little slip of paper in the magazine, it was an ad for Sunnyside Cafe with a little line at the bottom that said

"sign here and turn in this slip to win free food" with the signature of "Lizzy Haworth"

Cas stared at it for a while before he snapped into relaity as someone opened the door to his room.


"Tate, hi! You scared me"

Tate laughed "sorry, Cas. You have a visitor" Cas looked confused until Tate stepped out of the way and allowed a girl with shoulder length black hair to walk in the room. Cas almost threw up in his mouth.

Tate closed the door and rushed off to his patient.

Cas choked "Lizzy??"

She smirked sitting down in a chair across from him. "hiya, Cassy"

"what, the, fuck." Cas snapped

"Cas, I don't lie."

"who the hell are you and why are you doing this to me??"

She smiled and leaned back in her chair

"I'm Lizzy, your guardian angel. Haven't I already told you this?"

"that's bullshit. How did you know I was here?"

"I noticed you had an interaction with my friend, Hannah"

"the girl with the book?" Cas looked confused

"yep!" She giggled

"that was creepy, Lizzy!"

"Cas, what more proof do you want? I've been everywhere in your life. I've shown up places that I never could  have and you still don't believe me"

"believe that you're an angel? Never. Angels don't creep people out"

"how else am I supposed to prove it?"

"tell me something about myself that no one could possibly know"

She looked away thoughtfully

"once when you were in third grade, Ashley kissed you and you threw up in your mouth because "cooties", right? Oh and what about that time Tom gave you a wedgie and you walked home crying "

Cas was shocked "how the --"

"angelll" Lizzy hummed

"why now?"

"what?" she said giving Cas attitude

"I've had an absolute shit life but you decided to pop in now. Why are you here anyway?"

"oh, no. The way your life was playing out was how it was supposed to"


"yes, Cas. Was. Mr God up there has a story for all of us, you were on the right track, he gave you Dean and now Dean's hurt. I didn't like that story line so I'm here, fixing it" she said sitting forward in her chair, talking with her hands

Sunnyside CafeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon