Chapter 16

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The doctor raked a hand through his already stick-y up-y hair as he paced back and forth. Rose listened in silence as he muttered things to himself, not all of them coherent thoughts (or even in the right language) but she got the general gist of his trail of thought... He had no idea what was going on.
After a while, she spoke up, trying to break the slightly awkward silence.

"Why don't we try and find the angel that did that handprint while you think eh doctor? I can't remember seeing many angels with hands that small, maybe finding that will help you solve it?" She asked tentatively.

The doctor stopped his pacing abruptly and turned to face her, as if he had just frozen on the spot, his hand still in his hair and his mouth mid sentence.

"Rose Tyler, what would I without you?" He exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her round before placing her gently back on the floor. Rose squealed and then turned a delightful shade of pink when she caught Sherlock giving her what could only be described as a 'knowing look'.

The doctor was already at the doors of the morgue by the time her cheeks had started to drain their colour and she took off after him, allowing Sherlock to go first and stopping to wait for John behind her as he closed the doors and turned out the lights.

"What is it with you and the doctor then?" John asked as they walked back through the hospital corridors and out into the day light.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked, a little naïvely.

John smirked, "Y'know, holding hands, hugging, lifting you up. Anyone would think you were going out..."

"OH! No no no, nothing like that.. we're-... Friends. Yeah, just- just friends." Rose tried to answer confidently as she pulled her jacket tighter around her against the biting wind.

John raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Well, for 'just friends' you're both awfully bad at hiding how you feel."

"WHAT?!" Rose spluttered, turning read again.

John giggled, "It's so obvious you like him. You might as well have it written on a sticky note on your forehead!"

This time Rose's rosy cheeks didn't fade for a while. Was it really that obvious? And if it was, why hadn't he said anything?

She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts however, when their walk ended, somewhere Rose recognised to be halfway between the padestrian square and the messy house they had first encountered. It was only now that she realised that the doctor and Sherlock had been talking the whole way.

"Yes, here!" Sherlock stressed.
Rose had clearly tuned in in the middle of an argument.

"Here?" The doctor asked, his nose crinkling up like it always did when he found out something unexpected and he didn't quite believe it.

"Trust me," John chipped in, "We've had maps stuck all over our flat for days, we're in the right place."

"Sorry, what's going on?" Rose couldn't help feeling a little confused.

"Sherlock here insists that all 5 victims were within a 10 minute radius of this point when they were killed. This is where he thinks the angel should be." The doctor answered, his tone clearly expressing the doubt he had over the detectives theory.

"Well surely it can't hurt to look could it?" Rose asked.

She recieved a look from the time lord which quite clearly said something along the lines of 'You're-Supposed-To-Take-My-Side' before he turned away.
"Best get looking then gang. Shout if you find it."

"Hold on, what are we looking for again?" John asked just before the doctor walked off in what could only be described as a grump.

"A weeping angel with a hand small enough to make a print the size of the ones on our corpses." The doctor replied over his shoulder, still walking off and still in a huff.


They walked for a while, Rose and the doctor going one way while Sherlock and John went the other. The air was still cold, like usual, so they walked quickly to keep warm.

After about 45 minutes, the familiar wheezing of the TARDIS could be heard and the doctor stopped suddenly in his tracks. He looked across at Rose with wide eyes, but the blonde cut him off before he could say anything.

"Don't worry! It's just my ringtone." She admitted with a blush.

The doctor raised an eyebrow, "that's your ringtone?!"

Rose didn't answer. Instead opting for blushing even more and turning to pull her phone out her back pocket. She answered it with a quick swipe and brought the phone to her ear. The doctor smirked inwardly at Rose's still red cheeks and listened to her half of the conversation.

"Oh... Where are you? ... We're on our way. OH, and don't blink."

She pushed the phone back into her pocket and grabbed the doctor's hand. For once in the two years she had known the doctor, she pulled him along as they ran, skidding round corners and pelting down alleyways until they came to a thundering halt.

" We've found the angel." John announced desperately. The two time Travelers looked round the man to see Sherlock stood a few paces away and staring at a small statue.

"That can't be it surely?" Rose questioned, stepping closer and drawing level with the detective to get a better lok at the tiny 'baby Angel' sculpture.

The doctor placed a warning and protective hand on her shoulder, "Don't be fooled by their size Rose. There's no such thing as a weak weeping angel."

"Yeah, this one's been following us for the last 10 minutes." John added.
The doctor cautiously stepped closer, earning a worried look from his companion. Remembering not to blink and hoping to whatever God was out there that Sherlock was doing the same, he stood next to the statue and pulled out his sonic.

He scanned the stone a few times, changing the settings as he went, before pulling back and resuming his position by Rose's side.

"And?" The blonde asked.

"That's the one." The doctor said darkly, "Every angel has a unique handprint, this one matches the print on the victims legs almost perfectly.

It was strange, Rose thought, to be looking upon the very thing that had murdered 5 people and not be able to do anything. She worried her bottom lip as the time lord soniced the stone one last time, freezing it for a few seconds so they could make their quick escape back to the TARDIS.

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