Chapter 6

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The time lord woke with a start, unsure why he was suddenly and so harshly brought back to consciousness. A moment of confusion and panic washed over him as he racked his brains trying to remember where he was. He was suddenly alerted however when he felt something in his lap move.

Painfully removing his stiff neck from being flopped at almost 90• over the back of the sofa, he looked down into his lap to see Rose still curled up and fast asleep. She must have rolled over at some point during the night as she was now facing inwards towards his stomach. She had the side of her head rested against his thigh and her hands placed delicately, one upturned by her face from where she was lead on her arm, and her left resting softly against his chest.
He smiled down at her and stroked her blonde hair out of her face as he woke her up.
"Rose. Wake-y wake-y, the suns out" he said softly, smiling at her as she opened her big brown eyes and looked up at him.

"And what exactly do you want me to do. Photosynthesise?"  She replied sarcastically, smiling at her own joke and yawning as she stretched her arms and legs.

The time lord rolled his eyes and helped Rose sit up before removing himself from the couch as well, "Looks like your mum came home after all." He said, nodding towards a plate of biscuits and two cups of water that had been left with a note and had appeared on the coffee table over night.

Rose blinked her heavy eyes and sleepily followed the alien's gaze until she found what he was looking at. Quick as a flash she had woken up completely and snatched up the note her mum had so clearly left her next to one of the glasses:

Morning Rose!
£50 says the next time you two are here you'll be sharing a bed!

P.s- another £20 says I've got a grandchild by the end of this year Xx

Rose blushed furiously at her mums note and looked up at the doctor with her eyes wide in panic, wondering whether he had read it.

"What? What does it say?" The doctor asked, feeling a little panic-y himself after seeing Rose's reaction. He reached out to take it from her but she hurriedly stuffed it in her mouth.
The alien very quickly changed from panicked to shocked and his eyebrows practically hit the roof as he watched his companion stuff the paper into her mouth.

He waited a few seconds after she had closed her mouth before saying, "you're regretting that now aren't you?"

The blonde nodded a little in embarrassment and quickly spat out the paper, ridding her mouth of the foul ink-y taste.
They said no more about the incident (or their sleeping arrangements for that matter) while they were each brushing their teeth and munching on some toast.

Once Rose came down from changing her clothes in her room, they exited the flat together and went back out into the city to find out some more about this sudden appearance of time energy.


It wasn't long before they were walking down a particularly rich part of town and the doctor stopped in his tracks.

"Please tell me you can smell that Rose because seriously, I think I might throw up if it gets any stronger." The time lord asked.

"What?!" Rose scoffed, looking back at the alien after having stopped a few paces ahead of him.

"The time energy! God Rose it stinks around here!" He exclaimed, walking forwards a bit before coming to a stop outside one particular house.

"Oh right! Nope, can't smell anything. Why have we stopped here" Rose replied, looking past the small metal gate to see a large, white painted, expensive looking house.

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