Part 7 - Zak's Backstory

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Zak (age 6)

'Mummy?' I asked, innocently. 'Yes, sweetheart?' she replied, only 50% of her attention focused on me. 'When can I go to school?' My mum paused, turning around to face me. 'Honey, why do you want to go to school?' 

'I want to make friends, and learn with them.' My mum sighed. 'You have Erin and Mason, they are your friends,' she explained, softly. 'But they said I was a coward, in a mean way. What does coward mean?' My mum only sighed yet again. 'You can't go to school, and that's that.' She tightened up and refused to talk to me. I didn't understand.

I never liked Erin and Mason. They were mean about other kids, and they were mean to me. I knew that the siblings were old family friends, but I wasn't like them. I didn't want to say nasty words to others, like I was told to. I didn't want laugh when they tripped people up. 

I don't know how we became friends with them. All I knew is that daddy had lots of money, and worked with them. I don't know what daddy worked as. Maybe he was a fireman, or a builder. He could be a shopkeeper. Why couldn't I go to school? If it was because daddy had too much money, then I wish he hadn't. 

I think I wish too much. Maybe if a shooting star comes and I see it, my wish will come true...

Short but sweet...

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