The man just sighed. "He was about to beat you to a pulp. You stood no chance."

Who was this man to say I stood no chance, hm? And where was his voice even coming from?! He has no mouth!

"Excuse me? I can fight just as much as he can." I scrunched up my nose.

The figure placed his hands on his hips. "No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"No, you can't."

"Yes. I. Can." I growl.

Why am I arguing with him? I don't know who he is.

He just faces me, standing, emotionless.

What? There was no emotion he could really give.

"I thought best friends are supposed to believe in you, and help you up after you get knocked down." I shake my head.

What the hell Liam? This dude is not your best friend and I'm not sure where the hell this was coming from.

He just snorts. "Best friends laugh when you get knocked down and give you the harsh reality.".

You're not my best friend. You're a fucking creep!

"Hey, follow me. I have a place to show you." He changes the subject, and turns around to bolt into the forest.

Oh hell no. But sadly, I could not yet control this lucid dream.

I smile and run after him, barely being able to keep up.

You're crazy Liam! Stop following this man!

The figure stops at a small clearing with a little stream.

Him stopping didn't register to me fast enough, and I full on run into his back.

We both fall with an "oomph" into the grass, barely missing getting wet in the stream.

He laughs, and I get off of him, because it was super weird being on top of him.

We continue to laugh for a while, until we eventually calm down.

Or at least he does. I'm not sure why I'm laughing.

I'm too busy studying clouds and their interesting shapes, to notice He was saying my name.




"What?" I get annoyed and turn my head to see him.

He's facing me, the energy around us turning intense. The mood quickly shifted to one I knew nothing of.

Suddenly, his face started to flicker.

Again. His face is flickering again.

His face slowly was flickering and morphing into something, or rather someone else.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. I didn't scream or run like last time. I was genuinely curious as to what the hell was happening.

The face began to look strangely familiar. But I couldn't put my hands onto who it was.

Then it clicked.

It was-


"Liam!" I was shook awake by none other than Moretti himself.

I groan and put my hand on my head, which now had a pounding headache.

"Let's get you to a bed." He offers. His hand resting on my shoulder.

I push his hand off me and I stand up.

"Li," he hesitates.

"Who even is she, Moretti?" I say before I can even think.

Moretti stands up, no longer bent down.

"Like, if she was a lover or..." I babble on.

Moretti just shakes his head. I stop when he does.

"Elizabeth is...dangerous. I told you to leave so you wouldn't be harmed." He simply explains.

"How in the world would I be harmed by her, Moretti? I'm a werewolf for goddesses sake. And so are you." I exasperate.

He just shakes his head. "You don't understand. Li."

"What do I not understand?!" I almost yell.

"She's going to try to get close to you. But whatever happens, under any circumstance, never speak a word to her. Ever." He warns.

I put the book back on the shelf and glare at Moretti.

"Tell me why she's so dangerous then." I cross my arms.

He just shakes his head. "I can't. It's for your safety."

I just scoff.

"Li." He says seriously.

"You keeping information about her is putting me in more danger. Don't you realize that? You say she's dangerous, and to be prepared or some shit, but I can't be prepared if I don't know why." I make a fair point. "Please just tell me."

He shakes his head.

"Trust me, it's better if you don't know."


(Heyyoooo whats poppin y'all?

How's your week been? Good? Bad?

Anyways, Liam mentioned at the beginning that he is a slytherin. Which I feel like is suitable for his character. But I'm a ravenclaw. (Shoutout to my ravenclaws) what house are you? I'm curious ;) )

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