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Edd sprinted in to the living room, cola and letter in hand. He began to question what was going on, but he already knew the answer.

"Ten years after the death of beloved Tord Larson, his mourning family found more thank their usual suprise. Mrs. Larson, care to tell us more?"

The screen panned to Mrs. Larson, who now looked AND sounded like she was in a panic.

"Every year, this person, they would leave a letter and a flower crown on our boy's grave. But this year, they left a lot more. The person's backpack was full of stuff that Tord had left for his love, but there was also a will on top. Also, they left a stack of letters like the ones I was telling you about before. But they seemed like they were in the process of being shoved into a bag. We went on with our memorial service before we took a closer look at anything, so we didn't know it was a will or anything like that. When we all looked over the cliff, we saw a man wearing a blue ho-"

Edd turned off the television.

"Edd," Matt complained, "Why did you turn it off?"

Without answering Matt's question, he opened the letter

Dear friends

Hey guys! Thanks for all the support! I promise to have another chapter out soon!

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now