A Fimalliar Face

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After endless searching, Tom finally pulled a crumpled and torn, light yellow piece of paper with faded pink writing. Although the ink was fading and blotchy, his heart could still read the messy scribbles.

"tom + tord's bucket list
1. first kiss
2. get drunk
3. waltz with somebody in the rain
4. first heartbreak
5. visit the stars
6. get married/propose
7. fall in love
8. adopt a pet
9. raise a tree sapling
10. change someone's life

One, two, three, four, seven, eight, nine, ten. Those were all crossed off. The only remaining ones had "Tord" scribbled next to them in blotted black ink.
"Congrats, Starboy. You've finished your list." Tom murmured, "Now it's time for me."

As night fell, Tom received a text from Edd. "You can come now. Slick down your hair and put on that dress shirt on the back. We told her we had someone who only needed to stay the night."

Tom groaned, pulling his hoodie off and slipping on the plaid collared shirt. Just for kicks, he grabbed a black fedora to cover his updo. He walked up to the door, hesitating with each step. Mixed emotions flowed over him. He remembered those times his dad was in a fit, and would abuse him. He remembered a day where his mom welcomed him in a warm embrace. Lastly, he remembered the days with Tord-when nobody was home. Sometimes he was in the midst of a panic attack, and others, Tord had his hands wrapped around his neck as he fumbled with the doorknob behind him, attempting to give his boyfriend a great kiss, but also trying to let them in.

Tom took his finial step to the door, and panic rushed over him. This was the door that he promised himself never to see again, let alone walk through.

He practically ran though the unlocked door, then speed-walked through the living room. As he spotted his mother, he through his glance to the ground and tipped his fedora.
"Evening Mrs. Ridgewell." Tom mumbled in a thick German accent. Tom's mother stared at him, but didn't say a word.
"The room is this way, yes?" He asked, not wanting to seem like he knew what he was doing.
A look of recognition flashed on Mrs. Ridgewell's face for a second, then she nodded.
Tom raced upstairs, and shut the door.
"Guys" Tom whispered. "I think she recognized me..."

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now