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Before his light even hit the man's face, Tom knew who it was by the strong smell of alcohol and his slurred voice. Tom froze in his tracks.
"I told you never to come back! Yet year after year, you and your queens come and invade my house, steal our food, and run off! I tried to tell my wife that it was you and your paramours, but she never listened!"

Tom could only stare as his father yelled these dehumanizing things at him.

While wiping a tear from his dark and empty eye, Tom realized his dangerous closeness to the cliff edge. When a worried look flashed on Tom's face, his father immediately picked up on it.

"Leave." His father said smugly. "And never come back." With each word the demon of a father spoke, his grin became larger, eventually transforming into a demonic smile.

Tom knew what was best for him, but did nothing. He knew it was his job to clean up the mess he made because of his father. The one thing he was sure of was that he had to spend each Christmas here, making up for that one that he missed. The one that ended Staboy's life.

After murmuring a few rude words, Kittyboy had mad up his mind. He wouldn't let his father stand in the way of Tord. Not again, at least.

He expressed this, and his fathers face dimmed, with a stern expression fixed. In the moment that his father reached his hand out, Tom realized what was coming. He tried to doge the flying fist, but fate had it's way...

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Where stories live. Discover now