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Tom placed his arms on the marble, then began to sob. "...You are my star"

Could it be? Edd pondered, as he watched his spikey haired friend cry. Does Tom actually have feelings?

Edd snuck out from the thick brush as he took in the amazing beauty of the falls. It was no wonder why such a creative man such as Tord himself would love a place like this.

There was amazing foliage all around with beautiful flowers poking through the green. The waterfall emptied in to a quiet stream, which was surrounded by a pebble shore. Even the dirt seamed more beautiful in a sense. Not only was the small waterfall pretty, but the way that the sun cast a rainbow above it and shined through the trees. The chirping birds and fish gathered in the stream. It truly was a marvel.

Then Tom's sobs interrupted Edd's daydreams. Slowly, he shuffled over to his friend, hardly making any noise. He placed himself next to Tom, and set a gentle hand on his shoulder. Tom leaned into Edd as he let his eyes run dry. "This," Tom stammered between sniffles, "is a disasterpiece created by y-" It was noticeable how hard it was for Tom to choke out these words. "Yours truly."

Edd looked down, saying nothing at all. Even if he wanted to speak, he didn't know the right words to lift his friend's falling face. Instead, Edd pulled Tom into a hug, which he soon accepted.

Once Edd left, Tom pulled out his list. Here we go...

Dear Starboy |*I've missed you*| (Continuation of Dear Starboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora